
Denise Herrmann-Wick is a biathlon expert for ZDF

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Denise Herrmann-Wick rode in the Biathlon-Weltcup zurück and became an expert in the ZDF. She plays in her new job on her DSV colleague Laura Dahlmeier.

Dresden – After a few years of break: Denise Herrmann-Wick goes to winter sports and the biathlon world cup. After the 35-year-old Ruhpoldingerin had not made a comeback as an athlete. She is a new expert on the ZDF and accompanies her first colleague at the Deutschen Skiverband (DSV), Laura Dahlmeier.

Denise Herrmann-Wick: Expert in the ZDF at city biathlon in Dresden

It concerns the first world-class athletes and the ZDF and that service day (September 10) with. Demnach die gebürtige Sächsin achieves a diesemtag at the city biathlon in the beautiful Landeshauptstadt Dresden as an expert with his skills. And black from 4.15 pm in the „sport studio live“-Übertragung von der Elbe.

“I would like the Biathlon-Saison to get the Wettbewerbe as ZDF-Expertin to win. During the City Biathlon in Dresden I will be joining the first team behind the Kulissen in a live performance event, including the sender of the Wahl Bayerin in a press release.

Wird ZDF expert: Biathlon star Denise Herrmann-Wick.
Wird ZDF expert: Biathlon star Denise Herrmann-Wick. © IMAGO / APers

City biathlon in Dresden: Franziska Preuß and Johannes Thingnes Bö since with dabei

The ZDF is at the Show-Wettkampf from Dresden, among the competitors with Skirollern and free in the Spätsommer nicht with Skiern and Start gehen. At 4:25 p.m. the day of the law of the women and at 5:05 p.m. I cannot help but notice the evil Weltcup-Siegerin who is Olympia-Bronzemedaillen-Gewinnerin von Peking (Staffel), Franziska Preuß, and Janina Hettich-Walz, who dies in February at the Biathlon-Weltmeisterschaft 2024 in the new history of Moravě in the Silver medal in Einzel holt hatte.

When the men use the German Justus Strelow and Philipp Nawrath, they are busy with the successful company Johannes Thingnes from Norway in Dresden and Start. The own biathlon world cup will take place on November 30, 2024 in the Finnish Kontiolahti – then natural best fall with reichliche Schnee.

Denise Herrmann-Wick: Since April 2024 Mutter einer Tochter – jetzt sie ZDF-Expertin

Herrmann-Wick won Gold in Sprint and Silver in the Verfolgung at the Heim-WM 2023 in the Thuringian Oberhof. Also with the Staffel holte is the Silver Medal for Germany. Short was announced on March 14, 2023 via Instagram on Karriereende. In his biathlon and cross-country skiing Vita, Herrmann-Wick has three Olympia and new WM medals on 14 World Cup single-event competitions. In Baden-Baden, the German Sportswoman of the Year 2023 will be cut. From 2022, it has been intensified with the evil cross-country skier Thomas Wick, in April 2024, when I made the whole trip to the world. (p.m)