
Ticker: Brückenexperte: “Ob wer die Brücke jehmen wieder befahren, ist off”

Ticker: Brückenexperte: “Ob wer die Brücke jehmen wieder befahren, ist off”

4:15 PM | THW and Feuerwehr sichern Brücke ab

In Dresden, skiing after the Teileinsturz der Carolabrücke weiter Sicherungsmaßnahmen. Whoever is the sister of the technical Hilfswerks (THW) at a press conference on the Nachmittag will have one of the optical knife systems installed. There can be no such procedure in nor of the Stehenden-brückenteilen. So if someone warns the Einsatzkräfte, the Teile der Brücke will fall abruptly. “The Brückenlagers are fascinated and are abgesichert with the larger Holzplatten, part of the Brücke wieder begehbar zu machen”, so the Zugführer.

Fire Marshal Michael Klahre said, the man became the Einsatz über Nacht and was zurück fahren. Trotzdem blieben Einsatzkräfte vor Ort. The Donnerstag then became one of the messages we had read before. Welche-brückenteile is not clear. “We will continue to work on the construction work for the best quality of life. Together with the knowledge that the bridge will be removed, we will be happy with the messages,” says Klahre.

3:45 PM | Press conference for current status

In a few minutes I started the long-awaited press conference on the Lage rund around the Carolabrücke in the Elbufer in Dresden. MDR SACHSEN-übertrugtrugs the press conference in livestream.

3:34 PM | Sick people in the city are treated with water heater

The heating organization of the city hospitals works anyway. Who cares for the Stadt Dresden Mitteilte, the Standorte Friedichstadt and Löbtau wieder. Ein der Anbindung des Standortes Neustadt/Trachau und de Fernwärmenetz was erdings noch beitet.

Clinical care is based on the care of all patients with a concern for patient care. It is good for the employee Versorgung. Make sure that you get information tomorrow about all the plants used in cooking, this is the case.

3:23 PM | Who is in Brücken in Leipzig?

In Leipzig, the Bauwerk does not get much bigger with the Carolabrücke, as the Leiter des Mobilitäts- en Tiefbauamtes of the city of Leipzig, Michael Jana, in conversation with MDR SACHSEN. “So you will be happy with your experience in Leipzig.” Dennoch knows the city in his Sorgenkinder. The Klingerbrücke beispielsweise lets Jana hear a more steadfast Beobachtung through Sensors. Also, both Georg-Schwarz-Brücken have dissected a man.

Jana said that she was sitting on the Zeppelinbrücke after the sports forums and that she discovered the statistics of the Bauarbeiten. Neben Autoverkehr, Fußgängern and Radfahrern travel along the highways. Insgesamt is located in Leipzig 351 Brücken. One quarter has bad Bauzu notes. Deshalb would invest within 15 years and 300 million euros in the next period, while Michael Jana would continue with him.

3:18 PM | Sondersendung zum Brückeneinsturz

Anlasslich des Kollapses der Carolabrücke in Dresden sendet MDR SACHSEN – Das Sachsenradio am Mittwoch from 18:08 Uhr eine Sondersendung zum Thema. Zu Gast is another of the Brückenbau expert Steffen Marx from TU Dresden, who is the Geschäftsführerin of the Weißen Flotte.