
Geschäftsführer Dr. Thomas Memmert lives in Ruhestand ‹ Fruchtportal

Geschäftsführer Dr. Thomas Memmert lives in Ruhestand ‹ Fruchtportal

September 3, 2024

After three years, there was a face des Deutschen Raiffeisenverbands (DRV) in Brussels: Dr. Thomas Memmert. Now that the long-term DRV-Geschäftsführer and Leader of the Brüsseler DRV-Büros will be published on 31 August in the Ruhestand.

Photo © DRV / Dirk Hasskarl

“Thanks to the Association of German Raiffeisenverbands in Brussels with Thomas Memmert. A European public prosecutor’s office is an institution,” says DRV president Franz-Josef Holzenkamp.

There are many competences and diplomatic matters that make the separation of the Geschäftsführer possible by a common community and the necessary price-humor to expand. The war started and it was a “supercharged Europe”, with DRV-Hauptgeschäftsführer Jörg Migende herausstellt.

The diplomas of agricultural and doctoral natural sciences have begun in the course of 33 years as a reference of the Milchwirtschaft. Six years apart, 1997, with Memmert Leiter des Brüsseler DRV-Verbindungsbüros.

2016 was his Geschäftsführer. During this period, the first Sparten Vieh- and Fleischwirtschaft, Milchwirtschaft and Futtermittelwirtschaft zum „Team Tierische Veredelung“ were formed.

A number of valuable contributions are worth considering long-term road traffic from the Inland and Ausland, which have the merits of the Memmert and which are very valuable, especially in the business environment.

“Neugier und Leidenschaft für die Themen der tierischen Erzeugung sind Thomas Memmert not abhandgekomommen. There are a number of experts and a reliable partner for the Genossenschaften who form the joint Landwirtschaft force, stellste stellvertretend for all Laudators Karsten Schmal, the first Vize President and Milch-Präsident of the Deutschen Bauernverbands heraus.

There is a great involvement of the DRV Geschäftsführers in the Gremien and the United States, and as Vizepräsident at COGECA, the Europäischen Verband Landlicher Genossenschaften, as Vorstand at the Verein QM-Milch, which is responsible for the work of the sector 2030 der German Milchwirtschaft.

The Weichen voor de Nachfolge Memmerts hat der DRV bereits frühzeitig gestellt. Seine Aufgaben in der Geschäftsführung übernimmt Dr. Christian Weseloh, Leiterin des Brüsseler Büros is absolutely satisfied with Paula Pickert.

The personal Fazit-memmerts believe that they have been given a short and a bundle: “I have invested 33 years in looking back at Arbeitszeit. The socialities have grown from my heart.”

The DRV is the political Spitzenverband aller Genossenschaften and genossenschaftlich oriented Unternehmen der German Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft.

If the quantity of goods supplied by the Wertschöpfungskette is used for 1,656 units in trade, in trade and in the production of products with 114,000 units and 6,000 units in a representation of a quantity of 82.6 milliliters of arden Euro.

Landwirte, Gärtner and Winzer are aware of the properties of the Genossenschaften.

Source: DRV

Release date: 03.09.2024