
Filmreihe Munich: Filmstadt Munich: artechock

Filmreihe Munich: Filmstadt Munich: artechock

The Film Festivals of the City fell under the Dach der Filmstadt Munich. This is a surprise. About the past 40 years: The History of Grazing Projects

By Dunja Bialas

Griechische Filmwoche, Türkische Filmtage, Underdox, Queer Film Fest, Bunter Hund, Bimovie, Kinderkino and so on bigger and so strong. 16 Gruppierungen und insgesamt 19 Festivals must be attended to, so that they can be attended by, without the thought of the community’s »Filmstadt München«, everything is a well-founded hat. Um die 600 Veranstaltungen met insgesamt 100,000 Besucherinnen und Besuchern führt de Filmstadt München jährlich durch. A film is taken 600 times, which lasts only a few minutes. With a small number of the four or more nice films that occur in the film city of Munich, the spectrum of the Spielfilm is about the Dokumentarfilm, the Kinder- and Kurzfilm in his experimental film.

On the Augenhöhe with the Besucherzahlen zum großen Filmfest (quickly 50 Prozent der Zuschauer der Filmstadt descended on das DOK.Fest) which was for the Filmstadt erüllt, had started for four years when Vision started.

1984 was formed by the Filmstadt München as Verein. During the war there was a straight-laced Kulturkampf, who has his guard with the film festivals in Munich. 1978 during the film festival of Oberbürgermeister Erich Kiesl from the Taufe, and Alfred Wurm as Geschäftsführer in the Wunsch, a glamorous event to buy, to skip. Wurm was Leiter der Münchner Modemesse and in the first Film Festivals a luxurious lifestyle.

After a nice time and the broadcast of Wurm, the Munich Film Festival could find the first statistics. When Leiter war director Eberhard Hauff orders, the integration figures and versöhners galt and the German film maker who sees the silent representation of the “Initiative Filmstadt Munich” in the boat hole. The first Munich Film Festival had a Frauenreihe and Kinderfilm in the program, which was created with the Munich Initiative Group. It is a happy ending and a peculiar event is one of the films in the film city Munich, but it is still a targeted lost war.

The initiative is based on a surprising development of the idea that the damals have made a million film festival and will continue a few more times. You will see “the film festival in the year”, another group of people who play in the city and play films continuously. Schon damals have the democratic social economy, social and demographically diverse city states in the Blick.

A year later, the cultural reference of the Verein Filmstadt München went to the Dachorganisation Grünes Licht. With the surprising self-esteem of the film city Munich.

There was a Dachverband for the film initiatives, which existed as grass project projects. The Gründergruppen of the Filmstadt München have included the Medienzentrum München and the large German Kinderkino München of Hans and Christel Strobel in the AG Dokumentarfilm (AG DOK) with Mitbegründer Christoph Boekel. In the film city of Munich, the cultural reference and the insight of a gesamtförderantrag becomes one. If you are a representative of the city, you can freely offer the city cultural political anerkantnte and through continuous institutional institutional funding.

It is an example of the model of the Filmstadt Munich. If the film group still does not exist, the organization focuses on cultural references, so that the big festivals of Munich can be found in a comfortable situation. For comparison: The Cultural Administration of the Berlin Senate sees a maximum planning security of four years as »refreshed institutional support« for. Permanent institutional financing of the parliamentary separation. Also in Munich is aware of the urban revetment – ​​the weight of the film city is one of the most important festivals that only last a few hours.

When the Film City of Munich is in its 40th anniversary celebration, the Frage nach der Zukunft, nach Herausforderungen and Veränderungen takes place. The Filmstadt München zum Glück has not been affected by the Kürzungen in the Kultursektor.