
DeFi Technologies prepares monatliches Unternehmens-Update: Tochtergesellschaft …

DeFi Technologies prepares monatliches Unternehmens-Update: Tochtergesellschaft …

DeFi Technologies Inc.

Toronto (ots/PRNewswire)

  • AUM & Record Support: Valor reported AUM of CAD 66 million (USD 487 million) as of August 31, 2024. Despite favorable asset recovery, August reported the highest net asset value of the year 2024 with a significant net asset value of CAD 14.1 million (USD 10.4 million). This watch case reflects the strong narrative and added segments after Valor’s ETP products are getting broader.
  • Strong Financing: As of August 31, 2024, the Bargeld and USDT Balance amounts to approx. 26.2 million. CAD (19.4 Mio. USD) and the laufenden Darlehens-connectlichkeiten at approx. 17.5 million. CAD (13 million USD). The current currency can be 204.3 BTC and a diversified Treasury investment with 21.3 ETH, 246,683 ADA, 64,616 DOT, 5,345 SOL, 490 UNI, 433,322 AVAX and 2,515,203 CORE-Token, which will appear on August 31, 2024 insgesamt etwa 33.9 Mio. CAD (25.1 million US dollars) faith.

DeFi Technologies Inc. (that “Entrepreneurs” or “DeFi Technologies“) (CBOE CA: DEFI) (GR: RB9) (OTC: DEFTF), a Finanztechnologieunternehmen, das Pionierarbeit bei der Konvergenz der traditional Kapitalmärkte mit der Welt der dentralisierten Finanzen („DeFi“) you will be happy to know that you are welcome to join the Tochtergesellschaft Valor Inc, and Valor Digital Securities Limited (see also “Courage“), a responsible issuer of commercial products (“ETPs“), zum 30. August 2024 ein verwaltetes Vermögen (“AUM“) of 661 Mio. CAD (487 Mio. USD) was raised. This amount represented a German contribution of 30% of this beginning of the year.

Proud of a trend in digital asset prices, Valor announced a CAD 14.1 million (US $10.4 million) interest rate in August, the highest interest rate in 2024. This milestone has been achieved by investors’ strong results and the latest additions to the Valor product range.

Some products you can use: When using the products, you must perform the following performance measures:

  • Bravery Solana SEK: 6.03 MIO. CAD (4.4 MIO. USD)
  • Value BTC Zero SEK: 3.6 MIO. CAD (2.7 MIO. USD)
  • Value ETH Zero SEK: 920,100 CAD (677,600 USD)
  • Valor Cardano SEK: 661,200 CAD (486,800 USD)
  • Bravery AT SEK: 586,900 CAD (432,200 USD)

These devices ensure that Valor’s role-playing role is carried out in the preparation of the transition to the digital distribution of über innovative ETP products.

The Unternehmen provides a solid financing with a Guarantee of an amount of 26.2 Mio. CAD (19.4 Mio. USD) and Darlehensconnectlichkeiten von etwa 17.5 Mio. CAD (13 Mio. USD) on August 31, 2024. Darüber hält das Unternehmen 204.3 BTC and its own Treasury-Bestände with 21.3 ETH, 246.683 ADA, 64.616 DOT, 5.345 SOL, 490 UNI, 433.322 AVAX and 2.515.203 CORE-Token diversified, on August 31, 2024 on insgesamt approx. 33.9 million. CAD (25.1 million US dollars) launch.

Such a strategic strategic undertaking in August:

Landmark MOU with Nairobi Securities Exchange and SovFi for Entwicklung and Einführung of Valor ETPs in Africa

Valor unterzeichnete eine Absichtserklärung (“Memorandum of Understanding) with the Nairobi Securities Exchange („NSE”) and SovFi Inc., one of the Creation, Release and Trading of ETPs for digital display in the African market on the market. This partnership has the know-how of Valor im Bereich digitale Vermögenswerte and the Finanzlösungen of SovFi, a market infrastructure structure that works and forms a broader basis for acquiring knowledge. The economic development of the trading volume and the NSE is high, the position of the Finnish financial market in Africa is sharp and the market area of ​​courage in the region abroad. Kenya with the market for digital display and innovative systems for mobile phones is the best that brings a transformative initiative for profit.

“Without the sustained performance of Valor’s ETP products, which set record-breaking supply levels for 2024 and solid AUM growth in this business year,” said Olivier Roussy Newton, CEO of DeFi Technologies. and the sale of the most recent issues in August 2024 due to strong sales of our products and the most innovative products for digital businesses, such as B. who is young Absichtserklärung with the Nairobi Securities Exchange, undertermauern our Commitment to product innovation and market expansion. With a click on the products you can buy, you can learn more about a better price-performance ratio on the market and with innovative digital manufacturing products.

Information about DeFi Technologies DeFi Technologies Inc. (CBOE CA: DEFI) (GR: R9B) (OTC: DEFTF) is a financing technology that is pioneering the traditional capital market with the world of this financial financing (DeFi). With a clear focus on ramifications of Web3 technologies, DeFi Technologies can enable an expansion of a wide range of financing financing. An expert from a specialized team of experts with the development of financial markets and digital markets has obliged us, the art and well-being of revolutionaries, of those and institutions that have their financial interagating financing system. Follow DeFi Technologies on Linkedin and Twitterand for more information about

Information about Valour Valor Inc. and Valor Digital Securities Limited (zusammen „Courage“) emittieren börsengehandelte Produkte („ETPs”), who are private and institutional investors, who earn a money and earn their money with their herkömmliches Bankkonto on digital Vermögenswerte Zuzugreifen. Valor gehört zum Geschäftsbereich Vermögensverwaltung of DeFi Technologies Inc. (CBOE CA: DEFI) (GR: R9B) (OTC: DEFTF).

1Valour Bitcoin Physical Carbon Neutral ETP, 1Valour Ethereum Physical Staking and 1Valour Internet Computer Physical Staking are new, physical platforms for digital tokenization. It is possible to increase the value of the ETPs for digital tokenization with new possibilities. The distributed products are a European company known among banks and brokerage platforms. The best product palette of Valor is Valor Uniswap (UNI), Cardano (ADA), Polkadot (DOT), Solana (SOL), Avalanche (AVAX), Cosmos (ATOM), Binance (BNB), Ripple (XRP), Toncoin (TON), Internet Computer (ICP), Chainlink (LINK) Enjin (ENJ), Valor Bitcoin Staking (BTC), Bitcoin Carbon Neutral (BTCN), Valor Digital Asset Basket 10 (VDAB10) and 1Valour STOXX Bitcoin Suisse Digital Asset Blue Chip ETPs with lower administrative requirements. If Valour’s flagship Bitcoin Zero and Ethereum Zero, the first fully-fledged, passive asset products based on Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH), are offered, it is very likely that they will be free. For more information about Valour, to subscribe or to receive news, visit

Vorsichtshinweis zukunftsgerichteten Information: This press conference offered “targeted information” in the form of Canadian paper rights. The targeted information is displayed in other ways of the AUM, the analysis with NSE and SovFi, the interest and the representation of the digital display, the regulatory Umfeld in Bezug op das Wachstum und de Akzeptanz ditentraler Finanzen, de Verfolgung von Geschäftsmöglichkeiten durch das Unternehmen en seine Tochtergesellschaften sowie die Vorzüge of potenziellen Rendering socher Mö Glichkeiten Zukunftsgerichtte Aussagen unterliegen bekannten und unbekannten Risks, discharges and other factors, which affect the execution of a profession, the tatsächlichen ergebnisse, the active level, the leistung or the Erfolg des Unternehmens erheblich von de jenigen, die in diesen zum Ausdruck zum Ausdruck be implied. These risks, uncontrolled and other factors include the management of financial and financial transactions, rules and regulations in the management of financial and financial security, and are all general legal requirements economic, legal, political and social uncertainty. Considering the underlying factors, which factors you recognize, which could be affected, that these factors are present in the information you are aware of, there may be other factors that affect you, which you are aware of has fallen. It cannot be guaranteed that these results are correct, that the personal experience and the appropriate benefits can be obtained from the results obtained in Solchen. Demented for people who take these classes, it is not possible to solve some cases aimed at Aussagen-verlassen. If you are not working, it is not like you can make a deliberate adjustment to your activity, and that is safe in the installation with the geltenden paper settings.


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Press contact:

Olivier Roussy Newton,
Geschäftsführender director,
[email protected],
(323) 537-7681

Original content from: DeFi Technologies Inc., added to the news