
Zauberhafte Mittelmeer-Inseln jenseits der Touristenpfade

Zauberhafte Mittelmeer-Inseln jenseits der Touristenpfade

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Abseits der Touristenhochburgen gibt es Mittelmeer-Inseln with unvershrter Nature and unsprung Kulturen. With enthusiastic Secret Tips.

Munich – Mittelmeer-Inseln with Mallorca (Spain), Crete (Greece) and Sardinia (Italian) near Urlaubern hoch im Kurs. If you stay in the middle lake of the island, the tourists lie.

Traumhafte Mittelmeer-Inseln abseits vom Massentourismus – these Geheimtipps sollten Urlauber know

The few destinations are idyllic landscapes and a unique cultural experience, or the crowds of people. If you are ideal for a trip, then the Trubel is through the entire journey of Urlauber her girls wool. If you see a few Middle Sea Islands, mass tourism will make a trip and a trip that is a waste.

Skopelos, Griechenland: Die malerische Filmkulisse

Skopelos, made with the movie “Mamma Mia” with Meryl Streep and Pierce Brosnan, fascinating with steep coast and idyllic beaches. Die Insel offers a traditional experience during hiking and kayaking. Look further to the Kirche Agios Ioannis in Kastri.

A tourist goes wandering around the cloudy sky on the Greek Insel Skopelos
The Greek Insel Skopelos is gilded as a Secret Tip under the Mittelmeer Inseln and comes bislang ohne Massentourismus as well. © Alexia Angelopoulou/dpa

Cabrera Gran, Spain: Natur pur

The small Insel Cabrera Gran Südlich of Mallorca is one of the national parks and highly protected. Nur 50 Besucher pro Tag dürfen die Insel erkunden, die mit ihrer unberührten Nature and der spectacular blauen Grotte Cova Blava Taucher und Naturliebhaber anzieht. Night watches are possible, but the time lasts overnight.

Losinj, Croatia: Herrliche Luft met entgiftender Wirkung

There are few islands in Croatia that will leave Losinj. This has penetrated the Duft nach Kiefernwäldern, Kräutern and Blumen. Der Luft dort would be a entgiftende Wirkung-zugeschrieben, wie message set. Dies gilded insondere for the two Hauptstädte der Insel, Veli and Mali Losinj, which serve as Heilkurorte. Losinj can be full of beautiful books and wonderful beaches – a sandy beach, which can be enjoyed in the Cikat Bucht.

Harbor promenade des Ortes Mali on the Croatian Insel Losinj
The Malerian Harbor Promenade des Ortes Mali on the Croatian Insel Losinj. © Calado/Imago

Île de Cavallo, France: Luxury and nature

The Île de Cavallo is located south of Corsica. This is possible for your crystal clear water and an exclusive offer for the Hotel & Spa des Pecheurs. The island is reachable by boat and gives no luxury atmosphere to natural beauty.

San Nicola, Italian: Ein historicals Kleinod

San Nicola, one of the Tremiti Islands in the Adriatic, with its impressive Abtei Santa Maria a Mare and the beautiful villages, is a great tourist attraction. The island, which is available now in the Summer months from June to September, is open to the travel portal Tauchmöglichkeiten in a nature reserve. Overnight effects were no longer possible, the charm of exclusivity was now no longer present.

Othoni, Griechenland: Der westlichste Punkt Griechenlands

Othoni is one of the diapontic islands and offers a natural nature with manly bays and beaches. The island is for the holiday of Corfu, one of the many small hotels and holiday homes.

Panarea, Italian: Schicker Rückzugsort

Panarea, with its white houses and shmal Gassen, attracts a handsome audience. Outside of the high season, the Insel offers peace and exclusive gastronomy. Overnight stays are possible in small, family hotels.

View over part of the coast of the Italian Mittelmeer-Insel Panarea
View over part of the coast of the Italian Mittelmeer-Insel Panarea. © Marco Rubino/Imago

Cres, Croatia: Vielfältige Naturerlebnisse

Cres, one of the large Adriatic islands, is one of the few cases of landscapes of Buchten in Bergausblicken. The island is a bridge with loose connections and traditional ways to enjoy the camping. A paradise for wanderers and nature lovers.

Île Saint-Honorat, France: Spirituelle Ruhe

This small island off Cannes is meant for its Zisterzienser-Kloster, the Abtei Lérins – but the production of wine and liqueur. Île Saint-Honorat has a restless atmosphere, an atmosphere of pine forest and small bays, ideal for a wonderful spa.

These can be used in a wonderful location, while the middle lake influences the mass of the mass. Jede Insel has its own charm and love, the local culture and nature are respectful and genius. This can be a great experience for the tips for the Kroatien-Urlaub-life. (kh)