
Vienna Airport: Spatenstich for the new 510-Zimmer-Hotel » news

Vienna Airport: Spatenstich for the new 510-Zimmer-Hotel » news

In the extensive project of the Wiener Immobilienentwickler MAMMA Group at the following location: Das Vienna House Easy Airport Vienna in Holz-Hybrid-Bauweise is aimed and the European largest hotel in Holzbauweise. A CO2-free heating and air conditioning system is integrated with its own photovoltaic system in Dach, a part of the power deck.

The concept combines economy with lifestyle and offers an attractive pre-performance ratio. The location is located on the B9 in the direction of Schwechat, directly next to the VIP & General Aviation Terminal of the airport. The construction will take place in the Ganges. The opening is planned for the end of 2025.

Wyndham Hotels & Resorts has 9,200 hotels in 95 states in the largest part of the hotel franchise chain in the world and has a network of more than 885,000 hotels that serve all travelers. I will be at the Wyndham Hotelmarke Vienna House September 2022. Derzeit since 42 Vienna House Hotels in sieben Ländern Europas in Betrieb – davon 26 in Deutschland and eines in Dornbirn. (red)