
Beeck rettet verglaubten Punkt | Aachener Zeitung

Beeck rettet verglaubten Punkt | Aachener Zeitung

“Chance lost!”, was the title of FC Wegberg-Beeck’s Stadionzeitung on Sunday. Vermutlich war is one of the best players, the game of the clubs in the corrupt world of trainer Stephan Houben and Mike Schmalenberg are at work. If you play a game with a threat, it becomes 1:2-Niederlage gegen Teutonia Weiden erinnerte: Whoever went man in Führung, whoever gab man die Partie gegen einen Aufsteiger her. Einziger Unterschied: Thanks a Tores from Nils Hühne in the letzter Sekunde reicht is nevertheless for the 2:2 of FC Pesch and damn for the first Zähler der Spielzeit.

The first half war symbolic for the bisherigen Saisonverlauf. Beeck continues in the first 30 minutes soul-great, balls and collects Chance for Chance. It is after 45 minutes on the table: 1:1, with half the time equalized by Kian Assadollahi the leadership of the host. The occasions have a short duration of 6:1 ermöglicht. “But we forget, that 2:0 to shoot”, annoyed a “completely disappointed” Mike Schmalenberg.

So it is that Marc Kleefisch after his artistic research with the Hacke, shits about a Torhüter Mertcan Akar. Kurz ended up in a flache of the rights of Alessio Tafa. There are so-called von links ab, vom Pfosten prallte der Ball and das Bein von Bünyamin Koyoncu and von dach noch ins Tor (11.).

Beeck kept on the gas pedal. While an Ecke Timo Agaltsev and Nils Hühne could make an unthreatened inbounds, behind the back sich gegenseitig (15.). Now for a minute a Kleefisch Agaltsev member with a perfect Steilpass, it is so that the ball is worth so little for the Akar war. A small piece of meat after a good pass in the Schnittstelle could be einschieben, but later on at Pescher Torwart (21.).

Who gets the chance to beat Takumu Yamahara in the 31. Minute. There is, Stefan Jakimovski was on his way to his stand – he walked 30 meters away from the waiter to the latte. Two minutes of später muss Jakimovski himself make an edit of a substitute version of Emmanuel Williams.

The Hausherren are convinced that the more Zugriff you get, then a schließlich after an own Ecke is punished. Akar brought the ball into play in the first half of the game and more Beecker seemed to score the half-time pfiff from Erwarten, with energetic nachzusetzen. The Kölner Guest thanked her like Freiraum, Assadollahi knew of the Strafraumkante a good Auge for that straight undere Ecke (45.+1).

The beginning of the first century began first. If you want to know if you can take a look, one of the Tower of Akar will probably be a problem.

It can be assumed that part of the Beecker inside of a playing minute: Leo Mirgartz emphasizes in the Strafefraum on Merlin Schlosser, one of his old meters and an unnoticed number of things is the greater part of his life on the Tor (70.). The Strafe follows promptly. The single-minded Francisco San Jose Justo kept lying after a contact, the ball was played back to Jakimovski. Under the pressure of Malik Basar, this nevertheless passed completely without Not on the ball. Basar promptly accepted (71.), and yet the game was played.

Beeck is still not tender in the Press, but who will also like it in the closing quarter the zünde idea, but still a point mitunehmen – although the guests from the Cathedral had to absolve the last minutes, after Walid Sekkour Yellow Red was seen and also Coach Abdullah Keseroglu was referred to the Tribune. A small Happy End is not found, however: San Jose Justo explains right in the Mitte, where he sees the overview and starts at 2:2.

“Of course it is a moral piece of writing, but we will also read Punkte liegelassen. A mir haben in de Zweiten Halbzeit auch schon die Emotionen teilweise gefehlt“, wolllte sich Schmalenberg damit nicht zufriedengeben. “That’s no bad luck, without being able to cope with it, without having to worry about the quality. The Ausbeute is unreliable and will perform more analyses. So it cannot be otherwise,” the statement is clear after the missed sailing start.

Brook: Jakimovski – Bini (67. San Jose Justo), Hühne, Daniels, Mirgartz – Braun, Schlosser, Leersmacher (76. Fensky), Tafa (46. Yilmaz) – Kleefisch, Agaltsev (46. Behrami)