
Griesser: Pulverbeschichtung fast nur mit der Kraft der Sonne

© Griesser / Das Produktionsgebäude in Nenzing
© Griesser / Das Produktionsgebäude in Nenzing

More relaxed and innovative Neubau am Standort Nenzing in Betrieb

After the Baustart had begun in July 2023, the innovative Neubau was launched a year later. Thanks to the following test phase, production was carried out as quickly as possible in production. Due to the modern technology of the modern energy technology in Nenzing, large amounts of self-produced electricity are covered and the working conditions are optimized. In addition, new Stellen were purchased. If you use an automatic storage system (AKL), you can use another automatic transport system for the Pulverkabine and enter a German discount on the transport route, the restoration of the 3,000 m2 large hall surface is a state-of-the-art powder coating facility.

Europe has an idea: developing a hybrid system that is the best will ensure rapid development of solar energy.

Recently innovative

A central setting for the imposing Neubau hat das Thema Nachhaltigkeit. So the best of the Hallenbau is complete from Holz, but the largest structures from the Vorarlberg Region originate. Weder for Heizen nor for Kühlung entstehen Energieaufwände. The beschichtungsanlage keeps the heat in the cooling chambers and the hallenkühlung ensures the energy saving, the mittels Absaugung der Wärmepumpe zugeführt and damit ins System eingespeist wird. If the photovoltaic system with 700 kWp consumes a surface of 4,000 m2, 80 – 1 00% of the annual energy wiring of the protection system is broken down – exceeding the energy in the power supply. During the use of the heating pumps, the energy efficiency of 25 % improved. Further savings are available with a 10% reduction on the fuel temperature. There is no dishwasher lock in the coating facility. The washing up is carried out and the system is returned. For use and knowledge we can purchase more E-parking places with charging station and a part of the roof surface to create a green oasis of well-being with panoramic views. With the new Griesser construction set, which Impulse puts into practice in its own climate vision, with Urs Neuhauser, CEO Griesser Group,: “New energy transmission and modern technology that can be used in Nenzing is a key factor on our way to our idea of ​​the climate-neutral production standard to date 2035. With the construction at the location Nenzing, a further milestone has been achieved on our path towards climate neutrality.” Confession for the Vorarlberg Region For the Greeks, the investment-intensive new construction in Nenzing is not only an important confession from an economic and ecological point of view, so Urs Neuhauser: “With the incorporation of the new hall, we would like to buy round funf new sets and another construction project is planned for the long term. For the Working in the workplace was achieved with its accompanying additional benefits, among other things through ideal temperature control or ergonomic work platform optimizations.” Griessers Bekentnis for the region says that it falls with the project partners. Fast all projects from the Vorarlberg area. There is no question yet that the region is no longer managed, or energy-intensive energy-intensive roads or a large part of the love will be won. New company name – pioneering spirit The Übernahme der Unternehmung AST (Alu-System-Technik) 2012 marked the start of Griesser’s Produktionstätigkeit in Österreich. Under the company name Griesser AST GmbH, the European manufacturer of Sonnenschutzhersteller in Nenzing produces a combined Fensterloaded product range. Provided that we are involved in the business relationship with the company name of Griesser Austria GmbH.

Article Online geschaltet von: / Doris Holler /