
US Wahlkampf on Social Media – How to Separate the Social Media from the US Wahlkampf? ​​- News

US Wahlkampf on Social Media – How to Separate the Social Media from the US Wahlkampf? ​​- News

The TV debate about Kamala Harris and Donald Trump is set to break the final phase of the American Wahlkampf. What roles do social media play? Watching video clips on TikTok, X and Instagram that make Wahl impossible? Ask Karsten Donnay, specialist in political communication and digital democracy.

Karsten Donnay

Political science

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Karsten Donnay received his PhD in Computational Social Science with Political Science Award from ETH Zurich in 2014. After research stays in Geneva and the USA he is assistant professor for political journalism and digital media at the Institute for Political Science at the University of Zurich. Ensure that political communication, political communication and digital democracy are promoted.

SRF news: Who influences the social media of the Präsidentschafts-Wahlkampf in the USA?

Karsten Donnay: An American American who informs online and is on social media for the entire young generation. After a study by PEW Research was quickly used on half of the 18- to 29-year-old TikTok, there is a political politics about information. Platforms such as X (Twitter) were also very political in the last choice.

The silence of the campaign videos that play while driving and dynamic formats.

Now that it is a Wahlkampf, the campaign will be on the “younger” platform with TikTok active. It is interesting that you can see the style of the camp videos that you can use to travel and create dynamic formats.

Kamala Harris went totally viral on TikTok. Who could be in the Wahlkampf nut?

Harris talks and has a big chance of debt when starting a Wahlkamp. If you see a viral TikToks page, you can see the possibilities, if you look at the share limits, you can reach your machine. An active view of the “New York Times” and Siena College said that the Wähler was no longer reinforced, for the Politik Kamala Harris idiosyncratic.

Welche Partei agiert momentan besonders gut in de social media?

Strukturell has used the democrats to use big platforms with X or TikTok. Before the entire Kamala Harris camp team saw social media a little bit, one of the many young Wählers out there. If you have more influence on an influential influence and play a prominent role, your Campaign will be discouraged.

Viral video clips that have become a wider audience for Harris and people from other political circles.

It is a matter of time, and whoever in the Wählerstimmen-übersetzt. Viral video clips have appeared that are no longer a big Reichsweite by Harris, but all publish a breiteres as their own followers, people from other political circles or uninterested Wählers.

Mann with Handy and a smiling Harris take a selfie photo.

In a selfie with Schauspieler Darryl Lynn Hughley and Kamala Harris at a wedding in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in May.

image images / Jovanny Hernandez, «Milwaukee Journal Sentinel»

Who became Leute erreicht, die solche Plattformen nicht nutzen?

Other media have a great influence on social media inhalation and messages. It is interesting that young young platforms with TikTok can undertake a political investigation in the family or leisure time. Damit could be a candidate who Harris has given a young TikTok Nutzer in his conservative Elternhäusern. The most important thing is that the effect is so great that it is not directly in the Wählerstimmen.

The social media were with a Grund fur die Wahl von Donald Trump 2016. Who can no longer dominate online?

Social media has had a grim journey during the Wahl 2016 and has lost the Requests and the Campaigns. Such is the American community that social media shows a stronger polarization and fragmentation. When Trump comes, he will swing on X back, but the platform itself from the Contents, Dynamics and Uses its grim walking hat. For all the younger Wahlers have ended up on other platforms.

Das Gespräch führte Fabrizio Bonolini.