
Batteries made of aluminum and lithium

Batteries made of aluminum and lithium

Ein Mann im Labor greift met Handschuhen in een Glasbox

Forscher Amir Mohammad im Labor © TUBAF / A. Hiekel

12.09.2024 – Batteries have become a separate component of the energy transition and will use a regenerative current from the large current. The question of the world is growing. The fight is a fuel that is often a burden to the environment. Lithium-ion batteries can contain the strengths used based on critical assessments, warn industry experts. The research into alternative battery technology can keep up a pace.

One of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg would be creative for the Energiewende. A research team hat is not equipped with a Fortschritte at the Entwicklung of an aluminum battery. The batteries are suitable for aluminum as an anode, graphite as a cathode and one of the universities, new polymer-based electrolytes.

Wearing long black rubber gloves, scientist Amir Mohammad grabs a box with a honeycomb polymer from open in a glove compartment. With a spatula, it is a matter of a thin aluminum foil on. It is clear that the aluminum foil with the polymer is in a certain calender with heavy rollers. “That is two thirds of the battery,” explains the scientist. The aluminum foil that serves as an anode keeps the polymers in the electrolyte image. Combine this with a graphite cathode and make a connection to the prototypes of the aluminum-polymer battery. The first prototype, which was made with a kind of “Stack” from 10 cells, was supplied with 1 wattstunde (Wh) of energy, which the science of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg has taken over.

Now the financing of the savings bank in the programs of the validation ministries of the battery on the following level: “The soul of the Weiterentwicklung is a capacity of 10 kilowatts (kWh), the duration of the production was a photovoltaic system on the roof of a family home entspricht”, explains the scientific employee of the Institute for Experimental Physics. The new aluminum-polymer battery became an option for energy storage as a stationary power supply, especially in private photovoltaic companies.

New polymer electrolyte for efficient recovery

Under the Augenmerk, the team is placed on the electrolytic anode and cathode, reports the TU Bergakademie Freiberg: “For this purpose, a polymer electrolyte has developed an ionic fluid basis. Because it is a problem with triethylamine hydrochloride and aluminum chloride, the combination with polyamide is one of the best network photos,” said Oliver Schmidt. “I think that traditional electrical devices extract the electrical current from the air: nothing can be removed, it is resistant to moisture and oxygen and the reduction of corrosion. This was the übliche Separator-Schicht, the battery was safe and cost-saving in the recovery power. “

If you want to test by the team of material manufacturing that carries out the repair of the aluminum polymer battery in one of the following roll-of-roll batteries. By 2025, both researchers will receive taxable results for the evaluation of their innovative battery prototypes.

Zukunft Energiespeicher: Was kommt nach Lithium?

“Für die Elektrifizierung und damit Flexibilisierung energie-intensivertechnologien brauchen wir new Energiespeicher”, explains Prof. Dirk C. Meyer, Director of the Institutes for Experimental Physik as well as Sprecher des Zentrums für effiziente Hochtemperatur-Stoffwandlung (ZeHS https//tu-freiberg. de/zehs ) at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg. “The aluminum-polymer battery is a possible alternative to lithium-ion batteries, one of my teams will work intensively in the coming years and now continue industrial production and production experience in the future.”

The validity of the battery prototypes for industrial production will come to an end in the coming years during the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the European Regional Development Fund (EFRE). More about the project