
Selenskyj setzt on new Ukrainian Rocket

Selenskyj setzt on new Ukrainian Rocket

The Über der Ukraine is the largest bomb and rocket hail in the whole of Jahren Krieg Niedergegaan. The country can be its own maker of its own work.


After the Russian Luftangriffe had exercised the rule of the government on its own Abwehrwaffen on Ukrainian President Wolodymyr Selenskyj, the Russian Air Force would have exercised its rule. Ukraine has tested a self-chosen ballistic missile, like Selenskyj in Kiev. Grateful use is made of the Ukrainian rust industry in history, which has no form of equality.

Before Selensky had another Ukrainian owner, the Kampfdrohne Paljanytsja with Jet-Antrieb was a fact. At the new Feuerkraft Waffen is the Ukraine-Russia untrained.

The young Russian bombardment takes the effort of the Ukrainian bombardment to help the people’s lives. Two people look at a hotel chain in a hotel in Krywyj Rih. After the Drohnenangriffen auf Saporischschja, first of two, then of three toten messages. “Wir became unzweifelhaft Russland auf diese and all others Attacken antworten”, wrote Selenskyj in sozialen Netzwerk X.

Watch Schutz in the U-Bahn

Roads of nightly air alarms fly after media reports 52,000 people in Kiew in U-Bahnhöfe, which serve as a bunker. Herabstürzende Trümmer lösten am östlichen Stadtrand der Millionenstadt Grasbrände aus. All objects in the air can be removed, teilte the military exploration of the Kiewer Umlands with. Treffer and Schäden go to regional markets in the areas of Sumy, Kharkiv, Donezk, Kherson and Khmelnyzkyj.

After the Ukrainian Luftwaffe could be removed 5 Russian Marschflugkörper and 60 of 81 eingesetzten Drones. Three Hyperschallraketen Kinschal (Dolch) and two Raketen of the Types Iskander were not hit. The soldiers were never shot in detail, but can make an überblick over the army of the Angriffs.

The attack is aimed at the attack of the Beobachtern on the entire energy system of Ukraine. I have in Russia a fear with 127 rockets and marshalling bodies that flew more than 100 combat drones against the Ukraine. The war that is the highest vom Ukrainian Military, Zahl has reported in the Second World War.

Neue Angriffswelle: Stoltenberg robbed the NATO-Ukraine-Rat ein

NATO General Jens Stoltenberg was bitten by Ukraine during a session of the NATO-Ukraine rats. While the meeting and that of the Mittwoch are going by the Bundnissprecherin Farah Dakhlallah, the low level of the Schlachtfeld and the main military threats of Russia in the Landes gehen. The Ukrainian Defense Minister Rustem Umerow should share the reports on the Battle after the war by video. As a background to the meetings, the NATO-Sprechering can support the young years of the Russian Angriffswellen in the Ukrainian infrastructure and business.

Selenskyj: Dialogue with Putin is a waste

Selensky criticizes the sin of dialogue with Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin under the common circumstances. “The world warns that it presents Ukraine with a compromise plan, who the war can be tomorrow,” said in Kiev. “It is not so, it is not a compromise with Putin, but Putin is the dialogue he has learned, but the war has never been diplomatic.” Putin has made his diplomatic decisions, but wants to reach 30 percent of Ukraine. “And we were not playing with him,” Selenskyj concretely.

Selenskyj: Dialogue with Putin sinnlos.

Selenskyj: Dialogue with Putin sinnlos. Image: -/Ukrinform/dpa

When the Russian fire brigade of Montag and tomorrow is on duty, the Western campfjets-kampfjets F-16 will become single, like Selenskyj. This pressure is more important, which is the western partner’s description of the needs of the loved ones of the military forces in Russia. “That’s like this: The Olympiad is over, but the Pingpong will be again,” it describes the conversation.

The Ukrainian army has empowered the commanders of Olexander Syrskyj in his first hour in the Russian Territory of Kursk no less than 600 war prisoners. The Ukraine has upgraded its fund for the release of prisoners, as the general at the conference in Kiev. After three weeks his troops in Russian territory commanded 100 villages and no less than 1,300 quadrat-kilometer planes. Military guard is concerned with the fact that the area is not so big.

Selenskyj: Kursk Offensive is one of the siege plans

The moment the Ukrainian offensive is launched in the Russian region of Kursk, is besieged, Selenskyj explained according to media reports in Kiev. The presidency in the Russian area is demnach as the result. The offensive goes in conjunction with a pair of Friedensgipfel, and the Ukraine after the premiere in June in Switzerland will do so.

Ukrainian settlement Vorstoß near Kursk fortress. (Archive image)

Ukrainian settlement Vorstoß near Kursk fortress. (Archive image) Image: Evgeniy Maloletka/AP/dpa

If the plan is Selensky, it is a strategic place of Ukraine in the security infrastructure of the world. Details are not true. If you want the country to make one of the great weapons products of the world, this is a woolen product.

Ukraine takes 30,000 Russian soldiers near Kursk

Zur Abwehr des Ukrainian Vorstoßes, the Russian Mittlerweile quickly geschickt 30,000 soldiers in the Kursk region, and it has never been so long since Syrskyj. Insofern gehehe der Plan, dass Moskau Truppen nach dort shy müsse. Allerdings are all messages that have caused Russian fear in the area Donezk nicht verlangsamt, including the Ukrainian Armee schwer unter Druck ist.

Krieg in der Ostukraine continues. (Archive image)

Krieg in der Ostukraine continues. (Archive image) Image: —/Ukrinform/dpa

Among the Russian authorities in the Belgorod region, Ukraine is again being spread across the border. The situation we are in is a check of the governor of the region, Vyatscheslaw Gladkov, on Telegram. After the best messages have appeared, the best messages are those belonging to Schebekino. The Ukrainian page is no longer dangerous.
