
Bayer: Der Befreiungsschlag steht noch immer aus – Aktienanalyse (Der Aktionär)

Bayer: Der Befreiungsschlag steht noch immer aus – Aktienanalyse (Der Aktionär)

Kulmbach ( – Bayer-Aktienanalysis of “Der Aktionär”:

Andreas Deutsch from the magazine “Der Aktionär” has done an active analysis of the Bayer AG stock (ISIN: DE000BAY0017, WKN: BAY001, Ticker Symbol: BAYN, NASDAQ OTC Symbol: BAYZF) under the Lupe.

The recovery at Bayer has quickly become again from the table. Since the Zwischenhoch the paper of the Leverkusen chemical and pharmaceutical companies has lost 8%. The Ausbruch is one of the 200-day line used that has been missed. When the DAX gets a new price request, it is also possible for Bayer Actions that Tristesse has a problem. The liberation hit remains still out. For the “Action” the Bayer Action is not a purchase, so Andreas Deutsch from the publication magazine “Der Aktion” in an active Action Analysis. (Analysis of 27.08.2024)

Tips for interesting information:

Mr. Bernd Förtsch, Mr. Bernd Förtsch, is one of the most important positions in the publications that are becoming increasingly profitable after the following financial instruments or publications resulting from them Onnen: Bayer.

You can find information about the conflict of interest offensive in the context of Directive 2014/57/EU and the EU statement dissemination under the following link.

Bayer stock exchange promotion:

Tradegate Action Course Bayer Action:
27,526 EUR -0.11% (27.08.2024, 22:26)

XETRA promotions Bayer promotion:
27.54 EUR -0.05% (27.08.2024, 17:35)

ISIN Bayer-Action:

WKN Bayer promotion:

Ticker symbol Bayer-Aktie:

NASDAQ OTC symbol Bayer-Aktie:

Brief profile Bayer AG:

Bayer (ISIN: DE000BAY0017, WKN: BAY001, Ticker Symbol: BAYN, NASDAQ OTC Symbol: BAYZF) is a Life Science entrepreneur with a prosperous development in general health care and business management. The innovative products will take their legendary discoveries a step further and contribute to another world population. Bayer Helps, promotes, alleviates and heals diseases. Ebenso will offer Bayer a sustainable supply with high-quality food and nutrition products for the production of safe havens – always with the soul, which uses natural resources responsibly. Die Vision des Unternehmens lautet: “Health for all, hunger for none” – Hunger has arisen, a healthy life for all healthy and environmentally friendly people. Dazu will beitragen Bayer and dafür steht der Unternehmenszweck “Science for a better life”. (28.08.2024/ac/a/d)

Opening up of possible intersessional conflicts:

Conflicts of interest can be found on the site of the counters/of the request for an analysis.