
Everything for Player, Trainer and Club

Everything for Player, Trainer and Club

Gerd Zenhaeusern, sports director of HC Fribourg-Gotteron, a left, and John Gobbi, director general of HC Fribourg-Gotteron, a right, who once again agreed to an exchange with several representatives ...

Gerd Zenhäusern (left) recorded Christian Dubé. Image: keystone

The Eismeister Check

After a few sporting leans, the whole year will be financed with a single won semi-final partie in Lausanne, which is financed by Christian Dubé in trennen. But Wunschtrainer Roger Rönnberg has started in the summer of 2025. And yet: I will never use the Fehler machine, Gottéron for the 2024/25 season abzuschreiben.

Klaus Zaugg

«The king is dead, live the king»; With the Heroldsformel the new king was waved goodbye in 1824 in France. Ganz is so dramatic that it is not Gottéron. When Christian Dubé in June after quickly becomes a whole herrscher with the royal royal Selbstverständnis abberufen for a year. At least there is a difference to the French monarchy: The new Sports Chief who explored the end of the reigning period of the «King Dubé», the new King has only started for 2026.

The situation in which the situation is, after the renunciation of the other sports of kings first one of a Zwischenkönig regiert. Signal name: Patrick Émond. There is a war going on in which the Saison assistant of Christian Dubé and his son Prinzen zum König are supported. Sports director Gerd Zenhäusern, a Schlauer Valaisian, wartime Office assistant of Christian Dubé was. An Office assistant, the first Amtshandlung after the Beförderung zum Sportchef Seinen Chef cook and a new Trainer, the schon wit, that is the end of the Saison gehen muss: Everything is over the wonderbar of the Hockey-Traumfabrik Gottéron.

This story was told here. But the audience will interrupt the ice. In the sporting events, a Zwischensaison can occur. If you want this, it is rocking and rolling, when you play a game in a sold-out stadium. The alternating leaders Julien Sprunger (38), Raphael Diaz (38) and Ryan Gunderson (39) are the women of Hurra and Karriere. The motivation is great and it is a fehler, the «Zwischenkönig» of the band and the man he has at his disposal. I think Christian Dubé can play the Playoff of Patrick Emond. There is a napkin in the Frühjahr 2021, which has just been led in the Klubgeschichte in the Final. A prepared in November 2021 den Job lost. There can be a Release.

Frame view with single nuts


National flag

  • 7

    A team that can form a separate party can form a team and gain its own power.

  • 6-7

    A game with so much talent that it is a good thing to form a separate side can be a leader.

  • 5-6

    A good NL game: Often talented Schillerfalter, sometimes also serious worker, who falls out of his talent.

  • 4-5

    A game for the 3rd or 4th block, another head or a Frischling.

  • 3-4

    The Zukunft cannot help but give the Zukunft hints.

  • The rating is the Hockey Note Keys from North America, from 1 (Minimum) to 7 (Maximum) is given. It has not been more than 3 years since we played in the highest league, but it has been the most successful.

Coach: Note 5

Regarding 1 to 10.

Christian Dubé has received an unsatisfactory glimpse into his soul life in the social middle as – as a Gottéron trainer neither in Amt nor Würden – a statue with the saying ‘I’m the Best, Fuck the Rest’ is published. We immediately come to the theme. The Kanadier is not a self-made, but also not a self-made. His pure view of war is starting. For the fans, the chef, the chroniclers and the chroniclers, the sponsors and all the own people, who ran a Gottérón, such a custom was. Therefore a new year is as sports director and will be four sports competitions as a Gottéron trainer.

If you have any criticism, Christian Dubé did not make it to the semi-finals with the teuersten Mannschaft der Klubgeschichte. Once a fish has become and the seasons have started, the game was as good as taken out of the closet. Nur onener has not let himself blend from his charisma: His assistant in office. The slender Valaisian Gerd Zenhäusern. It is the first training after the training of the sports director (there are a number of Christian Dubé during this office enthusiastic): There is a trainer Christian Dubé who has made it. The post-processing regulations are not possible. Patrick Émond is the Frankocanadian. If you are aware of the way you deal with fashion: a friendly and modest hockey nerd, who is not allowed to enjoy the middle point of the stehen. A gentleman, there is an unacceptable situation that is itself on the height. 2019 has Chris McSorley with head coach under the lead napkin in the summer of season 2021 in the first final of the job and must let Job Jan Cadieux weld in November.

Trainer Patrick Emond erected a film plaque during a Medienkonferenz von Fribourg-Gotteron zur neuen Saison, am Montag, 2. September 2024, in Fribourg. (KEYSTONE/Peter Klaunzer)

Emond is the new chef – now for a year.Image: keystone

Yves Sarault, as leader of Leitwolf in 2004 with Bern and 2007 with Davos Meister, was as assistant and as chef never and may: at Bedarf toben, dass die Wände Wackeln. All good, honest, sensible and logical. Next to this trainer it is a Kuriosum, that has not happened in our hockey-yet: Patrick Émond no longer suffers from his Amtsantritt, that is the next Frühjahr-feeling. There is something we could do, if we take the next step: the Schwede Roger Rönnberg.

This is the case: The game is now playing a season, a delight and a loop to play, the spectacle of the frönen, Ice hockey of the game, statt zu arbeiten. In the summer of 2025, the hockey season has started and it comes to one of the Swedish trainers of the tactical winter with stencil hockey. Gottérons Trainerlösung is a Valais Schlaumeierei, the highest Unterhaltungsvalue hat. On the Ice and probably also next to the Ice.

Tower: Note 7

Even a back operation has Reto Berra not used his performance volume. There are 38 years of bald goalkeepers in the league, but it is risky, the double WM Silver Heroes and HCD Masters of 2009 are as powerful as the season and in 41 games more than 1000 pucks are gone from the las. Sage Mir, by Bryan Rüegger in the low ist, Reto Berra is 20 times enthusiastic and the wise dir, by Reto Berra in the Frühjahr, never in the best form in the world.

Gardien Reto Berra (HCFG) won the 2-0 victory over Theo Rochette (LHC), during the third demi-final of the play-off champion Swiss hockey at the last moment of the National League during Friday ...

Reto Berra braucht ab en auch eine Pause.Image: keystone

Abwehr: Note 8

Only 124 recruits – fewer were the qualification siege of 2012/13. And yet an analysis is made of the Sorge: The Minister of Foreign Affairs has become: Ryan Gunderson has withdrawn at the age of 39, his partner Raphael Diaz became alt. Keiner can be both Leitwolf-stehen in the defensive shoes. From Biel comes with Yannick Rathgeb. An offensive can take place and there is no talk of a blue line patrol. More than 140 recruits? There is no excess.

Fribourg defender Raphael Diaz, Fribourg defender Benoit Jecker, PostFinance Top Scorer PostFinance Fribourgeois Christopher Didomenico, Fribourg defender Ryan Gunderson, l& ...

Will Gunderson and Diaz not die in Gottéron-Abwehr in the same way?Image: keystone

Storm: Note 9.5

Was for an offensive herrlichkeit: 175 Tore. Not the best Angriff der Liga. It is so that it is not since 1994/95 (177) when with Slawa Bykov and Andrej Chomutow the best Stürmer der Welt for the unparalleled Russian Flugjahre-sorgten is. Gibt is Grund zur Sorge? No.

Top scorer PostFinance Marcus Soerensen (HCFG) is a photographer during the 3 demi-finals of the play-off champion ice hockey at the last moment of the National League in Fribourg-Gott ...

Can Marcus Sörensen deliver a brilliant Saison match?Image: keystone

It may be that Chris DiDomenico (35), Marcus Sörensen (32) and Julien Sprunger (38) became a few years ago. If the offensive is personal, it becomes a new friend and a new Gentleman-Trainer who becomes more offensively free. First of all gilded: The Offensive detaches games, but the Defensive and the Torhüter the Masters

Management: Note 10

President Hubert Waeber is the chairman of the Klubgeschichte-gelungen, which evokes emotional emotions from the Buros from Eis verlagers. It is in the Hockey-Traumfabrik one of the best matches. The combination of management and emotional hockey sense in a record: For the first time in history Our Hockeys is a safe club, a stadium in the 100 Perzent area. The economic basis is so stable that it is not in the safe (since 1937) and is now no longer worth the sports crown.

Lausanne's Torhueter Kevin Pasche, left, Lukas Frick, right, and his team colleagues in front of the choreography of Fribourg Fans with a larger image of the Freiburger Mixed Martial Arts MMA Kaempfer ...

Be surprised – at Gottéron the fans come to the stadium in Scharen.Image: KEYSTONE

If there is a handyman company, the title of the meister can be glücklich, then it is Gottérón. If the fans of the leading role play, has it become a master? Eben. The new sports director Gerd Zenhäusern has Hockey zum Start with a Walliser Schlaumeierei in the Trainer question accomplished. No problem: If these unconventional problems no longer occur, then the Unterhaltung can be a vortreffliche signal. Another point is that it is at Gottéron in erster Linie. Or?

Your opinion

A Saison Preview from Eismeister Zaugg with Rank Predictions of all Teams follows the course for the Saison start.

The other Eismeister checks

Idea, Concept and Inhalt: Klaus Zaugg. | Editorial staff: Adrian Bürgler, Olivier Meier. | Technical guidance: Nicole Christen, Carlo Natter, Philipp Reich, Jelle Schutter. | Player portraits:

HCD, SCB, ZSC and ? These clubs became Schweizer Hockey Masters

1 / 13

HCD, SCB, ZSC and ? These clubs became Schweizer Hockey Masters

HC Davos: 31 Title, 6 pages 1986; Zuletzt Meister: 2015.

quelle: cornerstone / ennio leanza

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It can’t be interesting:

Tamy Glauser lies in the Geruch of the Hallenbad. If the model in the youth has a talented talent in the war, there is a plan: 2028 will start Glauser and the Olympic Games.

Tamy Glauser has an ascending biography. Now the model will show another Kapitel. The non-binary person from Bern was started in the Olympic Games in Los Angeles in 2028.