
Disasters of the Anschlussstelle “Senden” is a sonntag geperrt

Disasters of the Anschlussstelle “Senden” is a sonntag geperrt

The Construction on the B28 between Senden and the A7-Dreieck Hittistetten geht in the last construction phase: Dafür was completed the Auf- and Abfahrtsrampen der Anschlussstelle “Senden” to and from the Fahrbahn Richtung Ulm ab Sonntag, 15. September, for a previous week blocked. Those who left the state-owned company Krumbach started the execution of the sunntags, when the Wetter heat started, sollen die Rampen am darauffolgenden Sonntag, 22. September, wieder freegeben became. A Umleitung über die Staatsstraße 2031 nach Neu-Ulm was aimed at.

At the end of September, the B28 will become a fully-fledged freeway

The construction of the B28 at the dispatch goes to the middle market: The Fahrbahn-belag is carried out here and can be optimized as best as possible. It was not a “Flüsterasphalt” word, but the sister of Baudirektor Stefan Greineder has carried out the Editorial before the start of the Bauarbeiten. During the remediation, the exceedance of the Lärmsanierungswerte in Aufheim is more geben.

The restart is for the last September week of last year: On Sunday, September 22, the Autofahrerinnen and Autofahrern then on the B28 auch in Fahrtrichtung Ulm now for Fahrstreifen zur Verfügung. Once all plans have been cleared, B28 will be executed on Samstag, September 28. (AZ)