
Beim Videodreh rettet Jon Bon Jovi Frau met Suizid-Absichten

Beim Videodreh rettet Jon Bon Jovi Frau met Suizid-Absichten

Damit hat der Rocker ne verchnet: Jon Bon Jovi (62) filmed in Nashville, Tennessee, made a music video. Plötzlich is a woman and prevents it from being a sturdy bridge. One of the police officers’ video (mittlerweile von YouTube sperrt) says the moment, in the Bon Jovi patience with the Frau spricht and his gemeinsam with another Helferin über das Geländer zurückzieht. Danach tröstete is die Gerettete with an Umarmung, soberichtet unter Anderem “t-online“.

“Hero Tat” by Jon Bon Jovi

Reports from the US-American are of the 62-year-old music at 18 o’clock on the John Seigenthaler pedestrian bridge, a music video of the song “People’s House” that sounds. If you have a woman, who is now celebrating with a hand of the Geländers and the Brücke. The production assistant of the singers began his work, before Bon Jovi no longer began, winking and dropping.

The Fire Department and the Police are dealing with the incident by means of a detention order. Police President John Drake thanked his friend X to Jon Bon Jovi and his team. If the woman “has been overtaken by the edge of the Cumberland River”, back to Security. “We must all agree to this, so that we can protect someone else”, Drake wrote. If the statement contains a link to a video about YouTube, it is a good idea – the video is not available, it will be a community guideline.

Zahlreiche Fans feel Jon Bon Jovi after the action and speak in the social media of a “Heldentat”. Viele Nutzer thanked the Rockstar for his different things and how he would feel, whatever he may mean, in a few moments of his stelle.