
Führungskraft at the Deutschen Bahn: 4 tips for success in the job

Führungskraft at the Deutschen Bahn: 4 tips for success in the job

Aslıhan Gebhart is a hereditary construction engineer and leadership team at Deutsche Bahn. It is a question of your history – and who is one of the male-dominated branches of the company and the career hat. Experience with BI+, how you see that there is a problem and how you can make sure that you have a problem.

Aslıhan Gebhart masquerades as Bauleiterin equipment. This is the study of Ingenieur Leiterin im Bereich Generalsanierung at the Deutschen Bahn.

I talk to Business Insider about my career and work. If it’s good, if you’ve been put in your position – and others have worked, there’s a leadership role in the work.

If you are looking for a solution for your ideas, own initiative and euch in small written work.