
Russia launched Geno offensive in Kursk – zehn Dörfer zurückerobert

Russia launched Geno offensive in Kursk – zehn Dörfer zurückerobert

Moscow dries the US with Consequences, part of the Einsatz von Langstreckenwaffen will be viewed in Russia. That fall, the country became a major reaguurder, with director Dmitri Peskow in Moscow going to work in Moscow, with details of what happened.

1.50 hours: The son of the Ukrainian Oberrabiners Moshe Azman, Matityahi Samborskyj, has become one of the Front “at the Defense of Ukraine”. This message was sent to platform X. In Ukraine was the Zehntausende Juden, before the Zweiten Weltkrieg was used more than a million times. The Jewish culture and the religious culture live in Ukraine after they are present with synagogues, Jewish debts and cultural organizations. Azman had adopted his son in the past of eleven years. There was war End of July reported as missing.

22:01 hrs: Ukrainian President Wolodymyr Selensky met with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Kiev for the Western Waffen with greater Reichsweit-geworben. “It is important that the Ukrainian arguments are heard”, Selensky says after the conversation with Blinken and British Minister David Lammy. While Ukraine goes to Montenegro, the Western states will claim economic power for the Reichsweit Waffen. Kiev will then see the military Raketen in the Russian hinterland.

Selenskyj bittet einmal more auch um untersützung for the Truppen an der Front and für de Strategie der Ukraine insgesamt, einen dishes zu erreichen. When the conversation starts, it’s a matter of a few fried eggs and a non-schritte, an effective effect on the machine. Bei een ersten Gipfel in der Schweiz in de June war of Russia Teilnahme nicht erwünscht. Since the Neueauflage is in the Gespräch, Russia is loaded once.