
GROPYUS Construction in Berlin and Baden-Württemberg

GROPYUS Construction in Berlin and Baden-Württemberg

Berlin / Vienna (ots) –

Two new, modern projects with a gross floor area of ​​16,195 m2 and 126 living areas

GROPYUS, the Bauunternehmen technology base for hochattractiven, bezahlbaren und nachhaltigen Geschosswohnungsbau, presents an exciting new Bauprojekt opportunity. For Vonovia, Deutschlands führendes Wohnungsunternehmen, GROPYUS is setting up a Gebäude with 27 Wohneinheiten in Berlin. The first Living Quarter of GROPYUS is located in Immendingen in the South of Baden-Württemberg – new Gebäude with insgesamt 99 Living Areas. With the two undamaged projects from the GROPYUS series, the construction systems and the great connected torches can be used to create various projects that are suitable for basic construction and individualizing them.

Nachverdichtung – nachhaltiges Wohnen in Berlin

In Bezirk Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf there is a modern family house with a gross floor area of ​​3,779 m2. Vonovia and GROPYUS wollen with this first common project in serially Holzhybrid-Bauweise nachweisen, the Nachverdichting with zkunftsfähigen Morefamilienhäusern nachhaltig and attractive realisierbar ist. Planted, the GROPYUS with the assembly of the previous building elements can start in the second quarter of 2025. Auftraggeber is the BUWOG Bauträger GmbH, a Tochtergesellschaft der Vonovia SE. Vonovia is a strategic partner of GROPYUS.

Living quarters of GROPYUS: Errichtung der ersten vier Gebäude bis März 2025

In the Nachbarschaft zum Prüf- und Technology Center of Mercedes-Benz in Immendingen, Baden-Württemberg, GROPYUS starts as a Generalübernehmer in the first Living Quarter. Damit responds to the growing population of the region, while strong economic growth is a fact. The new project with a gross area of ​​12,416 m², with two construction areas, with 99 living areas in new areas. Here you can find more Gebäudetypes for Einsatz. GROPYUS does not reduce the ecological construction work in the planning and construction, or in the operation of photovoltaic systems on the roofs and the integrated building management system ecological sustainability. GROPYUS is considered, the area that offers the quality guarantee that is offered when QNG Plus is implemented. The Construction work for the first construction cut, the completion of the first 4 buildings, has now begun. The completion date for this construction cut is scheduled for March 2025. The district is to be completed in 2025.

Markus Fuhrmann, CEO and co-founder of GROPYUS, says: “These two innovative and dedicated project leaders have developed end-to-end digitalization in connection with automation in the construction industry. and that in a higher gear and later than the conventional concrete construction a way of working in the fight against the Mangel a bezahlbarem Wohnraum and the climate leisten.


GROPYUS is a technologically advanced basic model for residential construction in 2019, which, with its high-quality, affordable and sustainable building concepts, makes a contribution to solving housing problems and ensures greater climate resilience. GROPYUS provides its wooden hybrid multi-family houses completely from a single source. The connection of software and technology, construction, robotics and serial production are most concerned with digitalizing, automating and industrializing end-to-end processes. While the flexible elementary construction system has a fundamentally efficient, individual planning and fast construction design in the form of a construction system, there is a separate and fully integrated construction system. In collaboration with established companies that GROPYUS from the real estate industry are on the road in a nightly, digital Zukunft. In the cities of Wien, Berlin, Steinhaus, Richen, Dornbirn and Ruggell since around 400 Mitarbeiter:innen tätig. Gegründet wurde GROPYUS ua von Markus Fuhrmann (Mitgründer des börsennotierten Essenslieferdienst Lieferheld/Delivery Hero), Philipp Erler and Bernd Oswald.

For the innovation power that GROPYUS 2023 won with the “PropTech of the Year Award” from the industry association ZIA (Zentraler Immobilien Ausschuss eV) with the Ernst & Young “Scale-up Award” in the PropTech and Real Estate category.

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Press contact:

Hermin Charlotte Bartelheimer
Head of Corporate Communications and Marketing
Phone: +49 151 724 319 68
Email address: [email protected]

Original content from: GROPYUS AG, added to the news
Original report: