
This large clinic in Hamburg is a new Mitarbeiter

This large clinic in Hamburg is a new Mitarbeiter

The Hamburger Krankenhäuser Mariahilf und ENDO-Klinik has tolle Jobs zu vergeben: good Gehalt, 30 Tage Urlaub, Sonderzahlungen, Rabattprogramme

Hamburg – As for one’s own home, it is no longer one’s own prosperity, but a job in the man who can get a job and be insulted in an honest way can insult other people.

Helios offers this professional perspective at two locations: in the Mariahilf and ENDO-Klinik Hamburg.

Among other things, the following were searched for:

  • Operational Technical Assistants (m/f/d)
    (and both positions)
  • Health and Medical Care Officer (m/w/d)
  • advanced health and pediatric nurse in neonatology (m/f/d)

Everything you need Stellen gibt’s jetzt.

Helios sucht neue Mitarbeiter (m/w/d) for Kliniken in Hamburg

Here in Hamburg, active new workers (m/w/d) were found in various areas.

Here in Hamburg, active new workers (m/w/d) were found in various areas. © Helios Clinics GmbH

If only the best health care practices in Germany are concerned Helios Federal health care with a medical clinic and medical special care.

So see the Mariahilf and ENDO Clinics in the Hanseatic city of Hamburg.

Here are the modern technologies and the highest medical quality standards in care and the image of the Grundpfeiler for high-level patient care.

One of the advantages in history is the personal offer, which is one of the many advantages, a violation of the rules and a safe way to enjoy more.

And here’s where you come into the game!

If you see one of the mottos “Better always” for the care of patients, a new Hamburger Klinik-Locations new Mitarbeiter (m/f/d) was sought.

All details about the ausgeschriebenen Stellen

Operational Technical Assistants (m/f/d)

Health and Childcare Caregiver (m/w/d)

Physical health and child health care (m/w/d) Neonatology

These benefits can be found at the Seinen Angestellten Clinic in Hamburg

Zahlreiche Advantages and exciting tasks: Being there in the clinic.

Zahlreiche Advantages and exciting tasks: Being there in the clinic. © Helios Clinics GmbH

One thing is for sure: In both Hamburg clinics, not everything is designed for the patients, but also for the clinic’s own staff!

There is a good representation of the house and the 30 days that you take the time to tell everything, it becomes woolen, and follows Vorteile:

  • Jahressonderzahlung in November
  • Working conditions for Germany ticket
  • free PKW and parking space
  • permissions Essen in der Hauseigenen Cafeteria
  • Corporate Benefits with discounts for over 250 Topmarks and prevention program
  • uvm

The company’s financial situation is great Health insurance with a Wahlarzt or Wahlärztin treatment in the autumn of a hospital stay in one of the Akutkliniken-geboten.

In both clinics There may be an indication for optimal care of the patient. And perhaps also kaal Du…

So one day it is done with the Bewerbung

The care teams are free to look at a new face.

The care teams are free to look at a new face. © Helios Clinics GmbH

Find the right pair of selectors, contact us using the following online form and everything is done with a click on “VIEW NOW!” absent.

Important: You have received an email that you would be best advised to respond to.

Clean is done! Jetzt kan Du Dich zurücklehnen und abwarten. Our college reports that it is good to discuss everything personally.

Viel Erfolg bij der Bewerbung 🙂