
More biologist recommends Fangverbote für Dorsch und Hering

More biologist recommends Fangverbote für Dorsch und Hering

Keel. The biologist Rainer Froese (73) from Helmholtz-Zentrum for Ozeanforschung in Kiel has published a very exciting study from Australia in the active Ausgabe (Freitag) of the Fachmagazines Science. I have an interview with the Kieler Nachrichten erklärt Froese, wieso Wissenschaftler de Zahl der Fische auch in EU-Gewässern überschätzten and welche dramatic Folgen das für de Beste hat en hat.

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Herr Froese, in the Weltmeeren weniger Fische als von der Wissenschaft lang angenommen. Who is the biggest part of the fehleinschätzung?

Rainer Froese: According to the Australian Research Institute, the file sizes of the largest fishing charters were estimated during the eingestimation. The following developments are dramatic, both as a financial manager, as well as a political party, while the festivities of the fanfare are an orientation to the orientation and at the fangmenging are often not even a conflict. It is so that the fortress and the next step are.

Quickly you can enjoy your fish or prepare your own eggs


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While the quality of the food is more of the best quality than the other brothers, it is also not a Drittel, which is half the best. The Australian study has produced more than 40 best results in the European Union and has solved a problem with its financing.

Who has the best ones in the Nord and Ostsee region?

Gesicherte data is a etwa for the Seezunge in the Nordsee. This art is about more phantom flights and false Annahmen over the files. So the File size 2018 is 200 percent and 2021 more than 100 percent überschätzt, the File is available in no time. If it goes well, then the chances are that it goes more and the sea does not look.

Who sees it at Dorsch and Hering in the Baltic Sea?

If you want, you can achieve the best results. We hope to publish the results by 2024. Because it is likely that the file storage for Dorsch and Herring was so good and for the sake of togetherness the best in the Baltic beige slow down.

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Is the Dorsch still to be saved?

The file is no longer to be found, but the EU in the Urges of Germany in the Beifang von Dorschen further lauded. At Herring is es ähnlich. One of the best things you can do is to remove a real ban on Dorsch and Herring in the Baltic Sea. In the current situation every fish suffers.

Who can ever come, if the scientist makes the best choice to make a mistake?

The model for the file evaluation is a complex whole. They are based on more than 40 parameters. If it is a little, most people will be estimated, what a natural mortality is, a fish or a Fortpflanzungserfolg. Here and with parameters experts are often of positive experiences.

Froese: Brauchen einfachere Prognosemodelle

Who can give someone a surprising prognosis?

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More file evaluation models can be used. A model based on the basis of the ecological foundations can be very nice. One of the unsafe products that are used is that conservative estimates are used.

What about the Fischerei?

The Fischerei must become nachhaltig. It’s a Prinzip thing. It is now the case that fish are no longer used, and the fish sparrows will be able to sharpen their teeth. Outside the range is a great fangger and dauerhafte Schutzzonen, einschließlich new climbing achutzzonen with kühlem Wasser for those zunehmend heißen Summermonate. Auch the Sauerstoffgehalt der Ostsee must be urgently improved, also little Einleitung von Nährstoffen.

Interview: Ulf Christen