
KI looks at a bad speeder as IT Industry insgesamt

KI looks at a bad speeder as IT Industry insgesamt

The global AI market is worth US$540 million in 2023 to US$1,270 million in 2028.

If you start to look at the results of the 19th century, it seems that the IT market is being marketed. This is very useful if you are actively studying the management of Sopra Steria Next.

The study tells the market in four different areas: “KI for Machines”, “KI for Technology”, “KI for People” and “KI for Software.” -Ausmachen markets. I made a deal years ago. The Wachstum was created by the most advanced technology in the four Anwendungsfelder der Künstlichen Intelligenz vorangetrieben, so Sopra Steria weiter.

AI for Machines

The market for the industry in the 13th century will reach a volume of 330 million US dollars by 2028, so the forecast of the next steria. Das entspricht 26 Prozent des globalen KI-Marktes.

Industrielle KI became machines, factories and suppliers in the low sector, to work more intelligently. Enhancement with this Entwicklung through the Einsatz von 5G-/6G-Netzen und de Verbreitung vernetzter Sensoren, die a Quantensprung bij de Erfassung, Zusammenführung und Verarbeitung van Daten. The flagship of industrial AI technology became digital Zwilling and your Vernetzung in industrial metaverse signal.

AI for Prozesse

In this period of KI-Anwendungsfeld, i.e. the Schätzung, in year 2028, a volume of 390 million US dollars was realized. 31 returns have been recorded from the AI ​​market with a stock of 18 returns per year in that time.

The Entwicklung this category was by a lawtbewerbsorientierte Konvergenz-zwischen of Automatisierungslösungen (z. B. Robotic Process Automation or OCR-Texterkennung), Provider of Workflow-Management-Losungen (z. B. Business Process Management or Process Mining) and the major ERP -Anbieter vorangetrieben, so continue that study. Make sure you integrate intelligent automation platforms that differ with other interconnect solutions for your display.

Intelligent process automation activities that focus on management activities constitute a new automation operation. These categories examine the study authors for everything in financial services and in the öffentlichen waltung that belongs to companies in the Central functions with personal, financial and compliance. If the end-to-end automation can use new AI-Tools, an error or problem is discovered, so Sopra Steria continues.

AI for People

The segment lasted over the years in the 1930s – from 130 million US dollars in the year 2023 to 380 million US dollars in the year 2028. The anwendungsfeld then became 30 percent of the AI ​​market representatives. The Wachstum became angry during the life of the generative AI and the interplay of the generation and the generative AI.

The “AI for People” category offers you the opportunity to use tools for separating the different artistic assistants with Copilot, Hugging Face and ChatGPT. This application extends into all areas of financial services, healthcare, e-commerce and media, so Sopra Steria goes further.

AI for software

The AI ​​market within the IT enterprise will see a value of 170 million dollars in dollars more in the future in 2028, so that erwartung. The entspricht is a jährlichen Wachstum of 25 Prozent.

This KI-Anwendungsfeld has generated all the tools for automating IT development processes and for code generation. The segment benefits from the interest in a Low-Code/No-Code approach.

Zur Veranschaulichung stutzt sich Sopra Steria Next at diesem Trend op de Erfahrungen of more than 40,000 IT-Fachleute of Sopra Steria Gruppe. There are a number of computer programs and computer programs in the field of a verringerung of the Fehleranzahl on one of the 40 Prozent that sows a Zeiteinsparung for Entwickler of the spiritual studies of the week for the week.