
First crash for Leclerc, then Bestzeit

First crash for Leclerc, then Bestzeit

7:40 pm

Festive evening!

In Baku it is 21:40, and see that you have a Strich an unseren heutigen Ticker. If this is the case, it is worth going to the YouTube channel of, nor with the larger video analysis of the free time.

Kevin Scheuren and Christian Nimmervoll followed the following themes in the packaging:

-Additions & Results
-Crash Leclerc & Colapinto
-Longrun Analysis
-Technical updates
-Questions from the channel members

Tomorrow the qualification is then at 14:00 without time, FT3 starts at 10:30. You can report a new Ticker-zurück. Lots of fun now with our live analysis and until then!

7:33 PM

Racing Bulls: No Building Sets

No Spaß has Yuki Tsunoda, who played his camp in FT2 with Bouncing. He reports: “It seems that the FT1 and FT2 have made the Fortschritte.”

It is not known that it is “not that I am in Mittelfeld ganz mitzumischen”, concrete is a fact: “Wir müssen nur nor der Feinabstimmung arbeiten and das Bouncing beheben, das ich in FT2 hatte.”

Team college Daniel Ricciardo has found a “gemischten” Tag. FT1 is neither “gut”, but in FT2 it is not possible to attract attention. Immerhin: “We deleted it, it was funktioniert today, and we were in a good position.”

“If we also use and use the FT1 set-up, once again, we will go into qualifying tomorrow with a good run in the front Mittelfeld camps,” he said.

Ricciardo came to Tag in P16, Tsunoda in P11.

7:22 PM

Albon: So the power is small

The Williams-Pilot summarizes after P13: “It was a more efficient tag. We don’t have to worry about the results of the car. If there were some changes and if we met these guidelines, I think that we would have a good writing process. “

“The Strecke is very efficient, the grip is light and the rides are very rough. Pirelli has the driving speeds that are very responsive, so the man is not able to ride smoothly, with the car it will move quickly, so the speed will quickly become damaged.” , erklärt er.

“It’s the power of a spa, that’s all the time. I’m not a Top-10 Pace at the moment, but if I can make a jump today or tomorrow, I think I’ll never succeed again,” said Albon.

7:11 PM

Sainz doesn’t fit completely

Der Spanier verrät nach P4 heute: “Mein Nacken ist nicht bei 100 Prozent. Außerdem glaube ich, dass ich letzte Nacht will have schlecht gelafen, and I can move my kaum.” There is something that says it is the tag “überstehen”.

Pure sportsmanship will not have a prediction about it, “because no one has put together good races”, but it is a statement that the true strength ratio was first seen in the qualification.

“I think it will be extreme, and that will happen, the journeys will continue, and they will continue to run smoothly,” said Sainz.

Here in Baku it’s a case of ‘gel’ or ‘rote vlaggen’ in qualifying.

6:58 PM

Horner criticizes Newey’s “previous” presentation

We will get a compliment at Red Bull: Adrian Newey’s Aston Martins presentation at Christian Horner is not good. Before the timing of the Brits was at stake, Newey is not busy for a year with the Milton Keynes Team under Vertrag.

To additional press conferences on the service Horner has taken away his own opinion: “Natural war is a big treatise from Aston, and Adrian tends to do his own thing,” says the Briton.

“Once you’ve been called names, it’s likely you’ve done a good job before you got to Red Bull Racing. It’s a natural war that creates a bigger moment for this team,” Horner said in his speech at the Newey Rebuild.

Seine kompletten Aussagen can be found here!

6:51 PM

Perez: Right in the right direction

The Mexican was one of the best Freitag and erklärt: “It was definitely a good, solider Tag. I think, it is a good basis. We have a good decision from FT1 to FT2.”

There is a time frame of maximum 0.006 secondary education and that will happen tomorrow with the purchase of a product. For a long time, the week is “far ahead” every fall.

If the question is one of the poles, the answer is: “I think I can do everything I like tomorrow. Also, I could buy a head and use a few tolle runden.”

Es gehe auf jeden Fall “in die Richtung”, so Perez.

6:40 pm

Alpine: Since momentan die Langsamsten

P18 and P19 are happy for Gasly and Ocon, and Gasly states clearly: “We are free to move on and work hard for us. We are also looking forward to it, everything will be done in the moment since we have the longest car to drive.”

It’s the “hardest Friday of the year” for Alpine activities, so the Frenchman explains: “We have a momentary, simply no grip.” And then you go to the scene again, Lando Norris in FT2 also quickly in his power.

“I’m sorry, Lando has a wind estimate that there are hints, and then he knows about the battery problem, which makes it possible to think about the time of day,” Gasly explains the situation.

Although Norris has the power if he has no debts, this is true. Zumindest een kleine Trost een eengebrauchten Tag.

6:28 PM

Bearman: Besser gerüstet als in Dschidda

Der Magnussen-Ersatz notes: “I am very happy with my life, who I am in love with and who I am happy with.

There’s “viel besser” during the debut in Saudi Arabia, but that’s the first time we were in the car. “It’s the first Mal, that’s the full living experience,” he recalls.

If this has been “changed”, there is no indication that the team colleagues have done this. Gleichzeitig states that it is also clear: “I am conscious of my own self. And that is good, that I trust in my own life.”

Schauen wir mal, was possible tomorrow in qualifying.

6:18 PM

Hülkenberg: I ​​am Mittelfeld “konkurrenzfähig”

Der Deutsche landete auf P8 en erklärt: “Innerhalb des Mittelfeldes were wir heute in both Sessions konkurrenzfähig. The Gefühl im Auto was okay.” This is a Luft nach oben.

“My run with little fuel was not optimal”, said, weshalb nor “etwas mehr” drin sei. The arrangement is “orderly” and completely removed from the Strecke in FT1 “in one of the worst Zustand”.

But the stable conditions were for all gleich. The team colleagues Oliver Bearman and this Wednesday said that he said: “I think it’s a solid solid thing, but it’s a good thing.”

The fact is that something happened. “There is gut vorbereitet”, so Hülkenberg, the two Platze for the Rookie countrytete.

6:06 PM

Hamilton zufrieden, aber “presichtig”

If you get a direct price for the record champion, it is now worth 0.066 seconds on the best time. “It was a really good day,” said an explainer, there is an experience with the first Runde-wohlgefühlt.

The result is “constantly” stabilized. A forecast for our further Wochenende time is no longer applicable, but it is not wise, whoever sees it tomorrow, nor a scaffolding.

“I think it was a good idea and reconcile, with them, it was the best zu machen. I thought I would not be at the Spitze anymore, if it was probably the Anschein hat, that will be herausfinden tomorrow,” said Hamilton.

5:56 PM

Russell: Kein Vertrauen in Auto

The British war started as a part of history as a team collegiate in P3. There is a saying: “I hate camping. I am a war with Lewis who is definitely not up to date.”

“I would like to be able to enjoy my life in my own car and in my own window. I would also like to be able to enjoy my tomorrow and enjoy my life,” said Russell.

“The war is no longer a good Friday,” he said, “after Lewis had understood it well, also knew that the car was his and it was Strongkem fähig ist.” Only then must the morning be set aside.

5:43 PM

Verstappen moves up to P6

The Weltmeister wurde nur Sechster, resümiert aber trotzdem: “I think, it was insgesamt a guter Tag. We have a whole mixed gelernt. Jetzt geht es nur nor darum, die Dinge, which we are trying to have, in Ordnung zu bring.”

“Aber I think, we are still able to cope with the consequences (as in Monza). That is also positive,” so in the Netherlands, there is an explanation: “If we are still able to find the balance, then we are completely positive, so we can cope with it could.”

Zumal Teamkollege Perez passed the best time and number 0.006 Sekunden.

5:26 PM

Warning for Sainz

One of the ways you get the race marshal’s lead: Sainz has carried out the action with a warning. Exciting: Sainz excuses the fall, which has been “absolved”.

So it is possible that you are aware of the fact that you automatically lose a “more alarm”. Because of this, she has gone off the ideal line at last.

A serious punishment is no longer possible, while Perez cannot experience the situation as very serious. Here is the complete Urteil in Wortlaut:

“Interference during free practice is not normally investigated by the stewards unless it is deemed dangerous. This was investigated because the driver of car 11, Perez, had to lift and move to the right on a section of the track where high speeds were being reached, which could have been potentially dangerous.”

“During the hearing, the driver of car 55, Sainz, admitted that he had seen Perez behind him. The stewards noted that his team had warned him, but that he had misjudged the approaching speed because he was distracted by various alarms on the car.”

“The stewards noted that he did start to avoid the car behind him, but a fraction too late. Perez stated that although he had to lift, he could see the incident well the whole time and that it was not particularly dangerous in the end.”

“Therefore, the Stewards issue a Warning to Sainz, in line with the agreed guidelines.”

5:16 PM

Colapinto: War kein großer Fehler

The Rookie is there ESPN to his FT1 crash explained and explained: “It is a smaller war, there is a minimal war. If the war in Monza becomes bigger in the qualifying war, this verzeiht (the line) is no longer.”

“The Heroes of the Days are the Mechaniker, who has been given an unglazed track, a car for the FT2 return trips. They have never had a Mittag-gessen, but have taken a break,” said Colapinto.

Grundsätzlich is the pride of the Unfalls “a more positive Tag”. “Das Vertrauen, das man auf een Straßenkurs braucht, kommt nach and nach, and if man who arrives Mauer, is quickly away”, he explains.

Of course it is not “ideal” to crash in FT1. However, FT2 and next day are empty 0.012 seconds behind the teammates.

16:59 hours

Norris: Shame to move on

The McLaren driver has a fast run on the track and lands in P17. This result is also not representative, but he does state it clearly: “We are definitely gone.”

“I had to push myself a lot, so I would have to wait until later,” so Norris, the experience, the experience of Team Kollege Piastri became unfähr der Realität entspreche. The country is at P5.

“I don’t think I’ve ever found a Menge, when Mercedes, Ferrari and Red Bull are all doing their best, and the Rückstand von a good cause, four Zehntel. I haven’t had a Menge Arbeit for us either,” said Norris.

Zur Favoritenrolle von McLaren voor dem Wochenende said: “We are going to have great stretches, because they will not be fast. They are happy to be with us, so we will always be the best.” Don’t do it like that.

4:40 pm

Curious Fall

Fernando Alonso has applied a plastic with the car and told a different story, whatever kind of treatment he has. Whoever the “Kampf” Swiss Tute and Ex-Weltmeister has left, he says in this Video: