
Best Ernährungsweise reduziert Sterberisiko at Frauen

Best Ernährungsweise reduziert Sterberisiko at Frauen

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A long and happy life for women who live in peace with their Mediterraneans. It is a Fazit an active Harvard Study.

The ideal diet for weight loss can often be confusing, it is a matter of planning and strategies for the Abnehmen. For a long time, scientists and doctors have been arguing about which diet is best. Researchers from Harvard University in the US have had great success, it is a Mediterranean experience with effective methods for weight loss. There is no talk yet: a change in Mediterranean cuisine can become one of four reductions for women from the star bereavement risk. The results of the study were in the specialist magazine Jama Network Open published.

Study invests: Die Mittelmeer-Diät ist with a smaller Sterberisiko verbunden

Women, who are strictly a Mediterranean meal (related link) heels, had a deutlich higher life expectancy than jene, die nicht taten. It is a study of no less than 25,000 women who have experienced a year of 25 years. The Wissenschaftler analysis of blood probes, biomarkers and intake data and settlten fest, it is a diet, the realm of the Gemüse, Fruit, Whole-grain products and heart-healthy Fats ist, that is why it is affected, the insulin regulation of the bodies that are working, the blood pressure is senken and the weight of the existing.

“For women, who have a long-term interest, our study said that a Mediterranean experience would result in a long-term improvement in life and a four-year life span over 25 years,” said the leading study author Dr. Samia Mora, Cardiologist at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Professor of Medicine at the Harvard Medical School in Boston, published in the Nachrichtenmagazin CNNThe central lake can reduce the risks for a high incidence of illnesses with Krebs and Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen.

Old woman sitting on the bench
Women, who in the Mediterranean, will enjoy longer – and as a rule much longer. (Symbol image) © Rainer Berg/IMAGO

Healthy Vorteile der Mittelmeer-Diät:

  • Lower “bad” LDL cholesterol and provide “good” HDL cholesterol
  • Unterstützt the Weight Abnahme
  • The stroke of the stroke
  • Support intestinal health
  • There is an entungshemmende Wirkung
  • Hat positive Auswirkungen auf das Gehirn

Gesunde Ernährung: reich an Obst, Gemüse, Olivenöl and Fisch

Laugh the German Heart Foundation Just look at the medium-sized diet of a fresh, freshly prepared kitchen. Most of the time is spent in Obst and Gemüse, Vollkorngetreide, Hülsenfrüchten and Samen, with some fresh air and a high anteil of native Olivenöl. Other Fette like Olivenöl, who zum Beispiel Butter, were now consumed whenever. Zucker and verarbeitete Lebensmittel sollten were avoided. Rotes Fleisch is used sparingly. Der Verzehr von gesundem, fettem Fisch (zB Lachs), der rich an Omega-3-Fettsäuren ist, would be fördert, während Eier, Milchprodukte and Geflügel in smaller portions as in the traditional Western Ernährung were provided.

This treatment contains all the information about your physical health and should not be used for self-diagnosis, self-treatment or self-medication. There are no consequences for seeking medical advice. Individual excerpts from the Krankheitsbildern could no longer be performed due to unreasonable editing.