
Achtsamkeit gegen Schmerzen: Mehr als nur Placebo – Meditation with specific Schmerz-Schaltkreise im Gehirn – Placebos nicht

Achtsamkeit gegen Schmerzen: Mehr als nur Placebo – Meditation with specific Schmerz-Schaltkreise im Gehirn – Placebos nicht

Achtsamkeits-Meditation gegen Schmerzen could be better and differently thought, who would find a study enthusiastic. If you do not fill in the responses to the questions on this form of the mediation, the Placebo treatment will be terminated. When these unspecific effects occur, the Achtsamkeits-Mediation is animated by the neuronal Schmerzschaltkreise – and the Schmerzempfindung is specifically looked at, with the Forscher messages.

Millions of people suffer from chronic Schmerzen – in Germany is a quick way of pleasure. Behind these painful leads are complex neurological processes in the back and neck. In some cases it is possible that the Schmerzgedachtnis is a spine, knee or head itself than when the Ursache has fallen. Developingly difficult is the treatment. Meditation can be influenced by strategies, which will influence the physical burden of the Schmerz exercises, but also the form of the meditation.

Meditation vs Placebo Therapy

Is it possible to use the Achtsamkeits-Meditation against Schmerzen? If you are in one of the cases of Krankenkassen of Stressabbau and of Schmerzlinderung-empfohlen. Gemeinsam is the unhealthy form of meditation, it is worth to relax in your body and reduce your sins, stress and stress experience. Gelingt dies, the meditation can be in a short period of time of force – Effect, which will be in the Gehirn.

Fighting war but then, about the blissful effect of the Achtsamkeits-Meditation on more than just the placebo effect. Gabriel Riegner is a member of the University of California in San Diego and has now examined his lectures. In this study, 115 test subjects are divided into four groups. One of the most common rules in meditation is that a control group does a breathing exercise and both other groups take a placebo: one of the best meditation meditations or an active substance that you can use.

Before any of these actions are performed by the test subjects, there is an assessment that lies within the scanner layers. The team has discovered the neurological response to a neurological response and discovered the symptoms in a subjective way.

Gehirn reaction
Achtsamkeits-Mediation takes action in both cases that cause neuronal damage. The link between the Hirnaktivität and the irrepressible emotional representation of Schmerzen is similar to the schmerz-specific NPS-Schaltkreis. In the Middle, it is with erwartungen and the Placebo-Effektverknüpfte Reaktion zu sehen. © UC San Diego Health Sciences

Clear different reactions

This means that meditation also replaces the placebo treatment with the subjective Schmerzempfindung, which makes mediation possible. Otherwise it would not be possible to ignore the reactions to the German reactions. The Achtsamkeits-Meditation dampens the reactions of several Hirnareals, which are considered as knowledge of the neural Schmerz signal. The Placebos are influenced by the high blood pressure, but not in the Schmerz-Schaltkreis, with the functional Magnetresonance Tomography (fMRT) verriet.

“Long times have persisted that this is a placebo effect and active therapy with the meditation tool,” says senior author Fadel Zeidan of UC San Diego. “Aber unsere Resultate legend nach, dass dies zomindest beim Schmerz nicht der Fall ist: Both Hirnreaktionen sind komplett unterschiedlich.”

Hilft becomes a chronic Schmerz?

If the Forscher effect dies best, the Achtsamkeits-Meditation against Schmerzen is more famous than just the Placebo Effect. “If you want to get to know the Meditation of Schmerz and don’t want to wait any longer, you can do the Achtsamkeits-Meditation right away, how to find Schmerz – and that completely without drugs”, according to Zeidan. You can practice this form of meditation very well and free of charge.

All things: Who experiences meditation with chronic pain and in itself a third specific effect in the mind, must now follow-up studies says. The researcher stops washing, it is a specific and positive effect that are long-term pain. “Our mind is powerful and will first strengthen, who will have this power for the pain control can be useful”, said Zeidan. (Biological Psychiatry, 2024: doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2024.08.023)

Source: University of California – San Diego

September 13, 2024 – Nadja Podbregar