
Auction at Stuttgart Airport: Vergessene Koffer kommen unter den Hammer

Auction at Stuttgart Airport: Vergessene Koffer kommen unter den Hammer

Man may glauben, but still wieder bliben Koffer am Flughafen Stuttgart alleine zurück. 100 of the packaging packages have now been auctioned off. How can I make better choices?

Filderzeitung: Sandra Belschner (sbr)

Schütteln, hochheben oder hinein lugen – all das bei der Kofferversteigerung at Stuttgarter Flughafen, am Sonntag, November 10, not possible. Interested people and interested parties should disappear blindly, were found in the packaging and then in the bottled mail. The new way in which you can report an image of your object for sale on the website of the Stuttgart auction houses is the suitcase, which has been sollen, aufgelistet.

During the 100-year anniversary of the Stuttgart Flughafens instaltet dieser, together with the Auktionshaus Eppli, at Terminal 4 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. an Auction, both of the lost Gepäckstücke zum Erwerb were held. The files of the flight were scattered, including 100 suitcases under the hammer – in recent years there were between 40 and 60 packed items. But in fact you had the Gepackstück as a single occupant. Who else wants to party, or no one would be allowed to leave their suitcase anymore?

Souvenirs from ferns Ländern bis hin zum Schlauchboot

“The thoughts of the Monate vom Lost & Found were in place to ensure that the suitcase scaffolding was built in Betracht,” explains Johannes Schumm, the Press Secretary of the Airport. In this time more was looked at, the Besitzer was found on the machine, indem the Suitcase after Hinweisen zur Adresse was examined. Once you know how the Suitcase will never disappear. These can now be performed at the auction.

Was there a Mitbiting erwarten? You often see the classic Urlaubskleidung in the Koffern, says Schumm. If the auctions are white, there are souvenirs from the countries of the country or the sporting goods being purchased. Make sure that a Schlauchboot and a complete Tauchausrüstung are only included in the packaging.

Guarantee for this Mal Gutscheine with a Beispiel, a Fluggutschein and a 250-Euro-reisgutschein, various Restaurant Gutscheine, Eintrittskarten for the CMT or for the Christmas Garden in der Wilhelma and more. The full list of flights can be viewed on the homepage. If the case is not verboten or prohibited, the Sprecher warranty guarantees that all cases are checked as well. Were spoiled for travel expenses or care needs to be taken care of. Sichergestellt was by a Vier-Augen-Controlle, so Schumm.

Often in Bereich’s dream

And who is more interested in bioterinnen and bioter nun for an investment fund? “Bisher would often put more than a hundred euros in the suitcase, no matter who dropped out,” Schumm said.

Part of the time, while the stiffening is being performed, the whole woman comes to meet, helps women and the filter table zugute. At the auction, the purchases and purchases in Terminal 3 are carried out with an extensive Bühnen program. When other people got some kind of car rental, a Suitcase Thüllung was opened and in the terminals on the Besucherterras children’s face painting, Eisstockschießen, Gewinnspiele and a Hüpfburg boats were offered. On the event day with probable requests, you can fulfill the Verantwortlichen die Anreise with öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln.