
Turbulent times for the car manufacturer, out of action

Turbulent times for the car manufacturer, out of action

Electrical pioneer Volvo goes to Bremse, the BMW Group überrascht with a profit warning and in the US the Haussegen Swiss keep Stellantis and signal Händlern-schief. Now a Marke proud of the Widrigkeiten.

It is a time-consuming, flawless message in the automotive industry in the lesson. Black became after who in higher Kadenz launches new models. Overall, it can not be that the Stimmung-schecht is.

Momentary experiences with a pleasant experience of a few euphoric moments.

Volvo ships Verbrenner-Aus

Swedish manufacturer Volvo, long a pioneer in electromobility and by 2030, when it no longer wants cars with a car battery, will be moving to the Bremse and lighter brands.

Whoever made his first attempt to buy “electrified cars” in Gothenburg in mid-September in the year 2030 was a Plug-In and Mild-Hybrid go-to. With others Worten: Volvo hat das Verbrenner-Aus von 2030 auf unbestimmte Zeit verschoben.

BMW and Stellantis: longer distances

Another big shock loses BMW out. When you look at the German repairer again, you see the annual figures for 2024 as follows: while the Auslieferungen and Kunden can no longer help the onternehmen, one of the best results can be in Vorjahr. The EBIT margin fluctuates between 6 and 7 percent (previously: 8 to 10 percent).

While the Stellantis group uses the marks of the French Italian-American Fiat-Chrysler Group to strengthen the former French PSA, the power is not below the figure.

Ferrari drives all through

For the first half-year component of a portion of the profit of 40 percent in comparison with the previous year. And who from the «Wall Street Journal» received this message (Item not available)I helped the Stellantis dealer in the US with a letter of protest and the management and a major action John Elkann reported. Der Ton is rau. The Händler complains about his CEO’s “disastrous entscheidungen”. Carlos Tavares.

View the new Niederungen-scheinbar from the Italian sports car repairer Ferrari. In Maranello stehen die Ampeln auf Grün: 14 Prozent mehr Umsatz im ersten Halbjahr and 21 Prozent mehr Reingewinn.