
New Zealand’s Steaks and Meat Process – that’s the basics

New Zealand’s Steaks and Meat Process – that’s the basics

New Guidelines after 13 years

Landstreicht Steaks aus seinen Ernährungsempfehlungen – that’s the basics

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In a country where the steak is great!

Jason –

The steak is no longer said!

If you are doing your life-threatening activities and seeking out new knowledge, this is a country that is not financed, because there is a debt overrun. Shorthand with the steak from the Ernährungspyramide-cooked. Was steckt dahinter?

After 13 years it’s time to think

Since 2011, the pasture is no longer active, it is on the website of the Swiss Federal Office for Health and Veterinary Affairs (BLV). There is now a man in Zusammenarbeit with the Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Ernährung (SGE) who 13 years ago alte Ernährungspyramide-überarbeitet.

The evaluation of a person and a food item has not changed grimly. Other food groups have a man who makes concrete. A change fell out in August.

New Ernährungsempfehlung: Flanzliche Proteine ​​​​is lighter than more

Whoever received the Federal Office’s approval would have “pflanzliche Proteine ​​​​whose Hülsenfrüchte für den Tierischen wie Fleisch and Fish in de Vordergrund”. So if you see another pyramid pyramid in the direction of a newbie, you will notice: The steak was not left in the background – it was clearly visible.


Fleisch rückt in the background and steak hat is also available.


Stattdessen finds a man like Fleisch-Empfehlung now a piece of Geflügel. Another description: “In the hydration of the oil increases on wholemeal products.”

Reading tip: It is a passion in the kitchen, if you get a Fleisch view


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Schweiz empfiehlt kein Steak more – was steak dahinter?

The problems were caused by other people, while the well-being was promoted, the overweight and the large weight became greater and the risks for the best diseases became greater.

Aber nor auf einen weiterer Aspekt habe man bei der Neubewertung firstly poisoniget: the Nachhaltigkeit. Es heißt: „Nicht Zuletzt kan beitragen de active Empfehlungen in Verbindung with een bewussten Einkauf zu een maßgeblichen Reduction der Umweltbelastungen en Lebensmittelverschwendung.”

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