
When the Aston Martin Valkyrie Spider is in the Straße Ihnen

When the Aston Martin Valkyrie Spider is in the Straße Ihnen

We will work with an active Formel 1-Rennwagen herausgeschält and a trotzdem number painter. The Aston Martin Valkyrie is a racing spectacle on the Straße. You will never be able to use a miraculous configuration example of the Drivers Hall welds again.

If you want to do one or more things, you can find the Einfluss, the Special Project-Cars in the launch of the last years in the industry that are no longer available. It is extremely limited, you can achieve the result of intelligent business operations in the automotive world faster and faster – it is a legendary Formel 1-Designer, fast-growing engineers or other self-confident designers. The Aston Martin Valkyrie has combined all brands with this combination, which is now no longer legally Wahnwitz-described: a car, so fast, the Atem from, a car from the fabric, from the Formel 1-Rennwagen entstehen and yet It is for the normal course of business that the street zugelassen are carried out. If the potential of the first time is achieved, it will be a time of force majeure, whoever has the personal Valkyrie. Wer ever dieses Exemplar, das bei Drivers Hall style, configured hat, versteht etwas von der Kunst, die Balance switsen zurücknehmen and auffallen zu erzielen.

During the frost period, after the Valkyrie found the first years in the year 2016 an art history of Mark Aston Martin, the ambitious ambitions were high, while turbo lenses were used in this way. Was in the project who diesen, the years before its realization, nor an endrifft: Der Valkyrie erüllt alles, was Aston Martin versprach. Man drives a car that drives other people onto the street – or onto the race track.

Below the Haut des Valkyrie you extend a lake from the Karbon phaser. The winsome cockpit has a 6.5-liter V12 saug engine with a 65-degree shop, which is a bit hot, nor an integrator, but a Rimac-stamped electric motor. The perfectly harmonizing composition results in a weight of 1,139 PS, with the added benefit of the natural flow of the structure 1,270 kilos. One of the four stars of the brand: Aston Martins Ingenieure has had a miracle at the pressure kraft, the optically extravagant design has a light downforce of 1,000 kilos, which is unconventional under the power of the following chassis panel. The weight of the weight is a model of the Schlüssel zum Erfolg. The ghosts of Gaydon seemed to have such a small detail that they would have a lost foundation. Decide on the lousy, fluffed emblem – man is going through global warming, the cases where he fell are no longer Aston Martin’s. This brand emblem is designed by Titan and is now 40 microns thick, thinner than a hair follicle and 99 percent lighter than the serial emblem. The result of this evil enterprise is a sports car, which goes over the street of the schweben area, with larger air force flights, probably losing sight of the street under the valkyrie. It is an unparalleled Fahrerlebnis signal.

This example is an example of the fact that the series is offered in a series of nur 85 Spider, while a leak is designed by the man and cars are used for its distribution. If Aston Martin has a nice Farb- und Innenraumkombinationen, it is worthwhile to meet the Farbe with the Karbonfaser-formed Auto-schwierig genug. Separating the preferences of the Exposed Gloss Carbon Fiber Body from Aston Martin’s Q-Abteilung – an option of 325,000 euros – see a more striking color in F1 Racing Green – a Mehraufwand, which quickly has a belief of 100,000 euros. Dieser lauernde Stealth-Auftritt in Combination with Sitz-Pads in Eifel Green and Karbonfaser so that the Auger-reicht becomes a great new Hypercar. The party in Bayreuth lasts a long time, if you like to take a walk, this Valkyrie will be a Teil Ihrer Sammlung!