
So it gets even more delicious

So it gets even more delicious

Light recipe for dinner: Zwiebelkuchen – a tolles Designed for herbs and winter, it is super tasty and warm inside. Go to TAG24!

The spices are sweet – classic of course for Federweisser, then a Saison hat. When this happens, the hearty cuisine is a wonderful, handy speise for the calm years.

So enjoy the fresh herbs: one recipe for Zwiebelkuchen.

So enjoy the fresh herbs: one recipe for Zwiebelkuchen. © 123RF/martinaun treatment

Zwiebelkuchen-Rezepte is great. A person can never go so wrong. Man was a Boden, ganz velde Zwiebeln und een Sahne-Ei-Masse. Ab in den Ofen, fertig.

All falls beim Hefeteig muss man etwas aufpassen, damn that Hefe gut aufgeht. The perfect geschmacklich zu de Zwiebeln passt, even with the small Mehraufwand.

Zudem can be a natural man with a piece of meat and a piece of meat with bay leaves, courgettes, tomatoes or herbs. Also different types of cheese can make a bigger difference.

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Zwiebelkuchen-Rezept: die Zutaten

The mixture is mixed with a springform or a tortenring (etwa 26 Zentimeter Durchmesser). Of course, it may be that one of the hotplates is used by a bleaching agent, but then it is no longer safe, the display of soil and the mass optimally over.

Help with nutrition

  • 300 g Mehl
  • ½ Stück Frishefe or 1 St. Trockenhefe
  • 50 g butter
  • 180 ml milk
  • Price Zucker
  • Price of salt

Reasons for the problem

1. Shoot:

  • 500 g sausage
  • 300 g Laugh

2. Shoot:

  • 200 g matured cheese
  • 200 ml salt
  • 2 Egg (M size)
  • ½ tsp salt
  • ½ tsp white pepper
  • Price Muskat

Basic tips for the Zwiebelkuchen

1. Tip: Welch to wobble man for the used Zwiebelkuchen-Rezept, is basically even, allendings since large rote (which is particularly good for light pink) or Gemüsezwiebeln more aromatic as beispielsweise mild Schalotten.

2. Tip: For the Extra and Geschmack own sich etwa 200 Gramm Waffled Speckder einfach mit in the mass world.

3. Tip: Speck-Ersatz: Statt Würfelspeck schmeckt kleine gewürfelter, kurz scharf prepared smoked tofu extremely tasty and gives them a tasty snack – not even for vegetarians with a good tip.

4. Tip: In puncto Salz sollte man daran think: The cheese and the optional Speck/Räuchertofu bring cleanly a Salz with ins Gericht, daher better sparsam salmon.

Zwiebelkuchen-Rezept: So you can enjoy it in 10 days

Step 1: Warm and butter warm and warm, both of them are connected.

Step 2: The Mehl in a Schüssel geben and in der Mitte a small hole hineindrücken. In the Mulde-bröselt man the Hefe died, it was Zucker, a Hefe that was active, and it was one of the old butter-milch-mischung dazu. With the eating of the wall of the Mulde a small man can be chained by hand.

If an appeal is made to the fact that the Schritt no longer works, there is a clear leverage effect.

Step 3: The shed is now cut off and for half a warm place to lay down, damn the Teig.

Step 4: Währenddessen Zwiebeln und Lauch small schneiden (Ringe oder Halbringe). Use a layer of butter or butter glasses. Etwas Mehl streuen en kurz mitbraten. The Zwiebeln will not turn brown.

Step 5: For the masses, Sahne, Eggs and the popular Cheese were a mismatch. If Speck or Smoked Tofu has a greater chance, then give a stelle with its mass.

The Zwiebeln müssen were of glassy shapes, resulting in a light Süße.

The Zwiebeln müssen were of glassy shapes, resulting in a light Süße. © 123RF/annam0lly

Step 6: Jetzt continues with the nutrition: In the Schüssel with the warming, the rest of the buttermilk meal and the salz come together. Now it is orderly and clean. Anschließend noch mal abgedeckt für eine halbe Stunde gehen lassen.

Step 7: Now the tooth is told in the fetched form (or in a cake ring). It is best to make a flat dish with the Hefe-Ball on one of the best playing surfaces, whereby the most acidic pressures are formed in the form and then form a 3 to 5 centimetres high edge.

Step 8: Darauf would have received the first Schicht, which is the Gemüse.

Step 9: Darüber would now go to the Cheese-Sahne-Masse and tell a little.

Step 10: Das Ganze nun bei 180 Grad (Ober-Unterhitze) for 45 minutes backen.

In the last 10 minutes it is the case that the Zwiebelkuchen in August are no more effective than the others – it is likely that one of the things is different.

If the Zwiebelkuchen is worth gold, it is fruitful. There is a big chance that you can do this.

Was it a thing of the past for Zwiebelkuchen?

Was trinkt and was the man from Zwiebelkuchen? Two Tipps:

  • Alcoholic beverages: Classically, Federweißer is drunk in the herbal saison. When the Federweisser-Saison has been going on for a while, a man can get a wonderfully light feeling from white things. Many of these beers or a few pilsners are an ideal accompaniment. You can be sure that you can make the best trip with your Zwiebelkuchen. If you drink alcohol, it is a good idea to drink the juice.
  • Cake base: If the Zwiebelkuchen have a very useful purpose, a private company is not so important. If you have a little bit of this powerful Essence, it is best to pray. The salad itself is one of the few things you can do in the main room, not in the light of the slopes. Lamb’s salad with small sliced ​​​​freshman’s buns and a herb-essig-Öl-or a light yoghurt-zitronen-dressing as an example passenger wonder, without that aimed at überladen.

TAG24 wishes you a good appetite!