
So you can enjoy your pleasure

So you can enjoy your pleasure

Fast and sleep? If you have a wide blade, you will be able to fasten it yourself. Both of these fun diet programs have been significantly reduced. The customer will be able to cope with the damage in the fastener, while being able to provide additional materials. Those Kilos purzeln, während täglich three Mahlzeiten were taken. Lies here, who functions Scheinfasten, takes care of the test and was in the body.

Die Ernährungs-Tricks von Khloé Kardashian zum Abnehmen

Scheinfasten: Who can operate a video without having to worry about the video?

Scheinfasten: So purzeln die Kilos

What is fasting?

In Magazines, in the meantime and in the meantime, we always listen to the fasting and the good connections for health (neben religious and political motivations for fasting). How can you pack the Neugier and then wait for it to arrive quickly, otherwise it will be complete without the purchase? Then I would like to show you how to show fast, in English with “Fasting Mimicking Diet”, a nice variation for this. Bei der Scheinfastenkursetzt du inen Körper durch een spezielle Diät in einen Fastening position. Since you are not fully aware of your view, you benefit from the positive care of the health care environment, who are responsible for the care of the autophagy, cleaning and maintenance. Das Scheinfasten basiert on der winstschaftlichen Forschung von Professor Valter Longo, Leiter des Longevity Institute an der University of Southern California. Es ist ein fun activities development programwith each day 1,100 calories and four folgetagen 800 calories at the last day.

Scheinfasten – die Geschichte des Diät-Trends

Valter Longo is Professor of Biogerontology and Zellbiology at the University of Southern California. There is one of the renowned Longlebigkeitsforscher. There are studies carried out on the subject of biochemistry involving genetics, microbiology, immunology, neurobiology, oncology and endocrinology. With the help of their own health and well-being, there is also a common sense: they are also healthy and have a great view of the fresh protein and fresh kohlenhydrate. During the research process you will see the Schluss, which means fasting periods with reduced calories. Lifetime can be extended and that Regeneration of Nerven- und Immunzellen fördern.

This classic healing is a very peaceful life, with a healthy lifestyle, but you can still live with it. The result of Professor Longo’s success in all aspects of the implementation program: the Scheinfasten. Die Fastenkur is patentiert. But the chance is still different Feeding plans orienteering. We tell you who you are.

Die Grundidee hinter dem Scheinfasten

Professor Valter Longo has a strong foundation, who knows how much he or she knows about his or her nehmen dürfen, with confidence in the positive effects of the fastens, especially of the autophagie, of the Self-replacement der Zellen, they will benefit. Laut Longo schaltet unser Körper after two days in the fast mode, then the work strengthens itself. Enjoy your time with the people of the ideal time to enjoy life. The main purpose of this Fasting Method is that the Autophagy can be obtained, that one Anti-Aging Effect hat and that lifestyle can be supported. This means that the construction fasteners are fast, the construction is reduced and otherwise the fastening fasteners are lost with a small muskelmasse.

That is passion in the body at the Scheinfasten

Laut Studien des Diabetes and Obesity Research Institutes und des Longevity Institute der University of Southern California are the experts in the field of Scheinfastens in den Zustand der Ketosis vertzt. Das bedeutet, dass der Organismus seine Energiequelle von Zucker zu Fettsäuren wechselt. Dadurch word fisherman Fett (very lying Bauchfett, das die Organe umhüllt) burnt. Ab dem zweiten oder drieten Tag findet zdem Autophagie statt. Your health and your immune system will be stopped. This increases the blood pressure, regulates blood pressure, improves health and improves cholesterol levels. Weitere positive results from fasting since a good understanding, great clarity and a better understanding of the value of the experience.

This is passionate about the quality of life of the children:

  1. Am ersten Tag tritt ein Scheinfastenzustand ein, der zu einer Zelloptimierung führt.
  2. Am zweiten Tag beginnt die Fettverbrennung und Reinigung der Zellen.
  3. Am dRITten Tag sett das Zellrecycling ein, bei dem new Zellen entstehen. This means that all glucose reserves are consumed and the ketosis becomes whole.
  4. Am celebrating Tag fördert die Autophagie die Regeneration von Stammzellen.
  5. Am fun Tag laufen die Regeneration der Stammzellen und der Verjüngungsprozesss des Körpers weiter.
Healthy Fette whose Avocado and sättigende Hülsenfrüchte fit perfectly into the Scheinfasten-Diätplan.
Healthy Fette whose Avocado and sättigende Hülsenfrüchte fit perfectly into the Scheinfasten-Diätplan.© sonyakamoz –

This is how shear fastening works

For Scheinfasten to the house Durchzuführen, brauchst du nicht unbedingt die vorgefertigten Fastenboxen von Professor Longo zu buy. We are saying that we are the fastest and that we have an appropriate Scheinfasten-Anleitung anyway. Recipe suggestions. Please take good care of yourself, ensure that you start fast, take care of your health, and especially, ensure that your medication continues to improve your health.

Scheinfasten-Diät zum Selbermachen: die wichtigsten Regeln

To prepare the fasteners, start with a week before shipping, with approximately 0.36 grams of weight per kilogram of weight to be delivered. With 60 kilograms of body weight, there were 100 grams of meat, fish or chicken (approx. 21 grams of egg white). Setze dabei auf Protein from Fish and Flanzlichen Quellen wie Hülsenfrüchte, Nüsse or Pseudogetreide. You can also eat in your home with high quality Omega-3 nutritional supplements as well as a multivitamin.

Am ersten Tag der Scheinfastenkur darfst du 1,110 calories zu dir nehmen. Davon sollten 500 Kalorien üsunden Fetten wie Avocado, Olivenöl und Nüssen logs und die 500 Kalorien über komplexen Kohlenhydraten, vorzugt üs Gemüse wie Karotten, Kürbis, Tomatoes, Brokkoli or Pilzen. Good memories have little talent and are therefore appropriate, beispelsweise since the Gurken ideally fit in. Iss zudem 25 Gramm pflanzliches Eiweiß. That is why you play a 125 gram portion of brisket fillet. Never forget a Multivitamin and Omega-3 Preparation and a second drink, including three or four bags of unsuitable tea and water to enjoy.

Let’s have fun while we enjoy it 800 calories taglich kommen. The half of the food is consumed with fresh food and the remaining 400 calories from complex kohlenhydrates. Would you like to eat your own snacks here if you would like to play with a vegan, low-calorie Quinoa-Minestrone? Trinke wieder three bis four Bags unsuited Tee, beispieelsweise green Tee and additional water. That’s the end of this, hunger failure can be avoided. From Tag to the end of the day: Enjoy your meal with a fresh meal, lunch and dinner or add two Mahlzeiten pro Tag.

Am sechsten Tag dared you so fell essen, who du möchtest. Um heave Conversion contract After the fast food you don’t have to deal with it, it is also tasty, with plenty of protein, including meat, fish and mild products, as well as alcohol, fresh food and fast food. Sweetening properties zu prospects. The ingredients are good, natural, fruity, high-quality fresh oil and full-grain products.

Also interesting: Abnehmen bis zum Summer? These 5 morning routines are based on a special experience with food and chili – this is the main purpose of the meal and dinner: Who would like to eat food with fast food?

Scheinfasten zum Selbermachen: Recipe

Here you can find three activities for Scheinfasten-Rezepte for the two days of fun, including 800 calories since.


Mango-Banana Smoothie (approx. 200 Calories)


  • 1 Banana
  • ½ Mango
  • 1 tbsp Chia seeds
  • Ice cubes
  • 90 ml water


  1. Schäle die Banane und schneide sie in Stücke.
  2. Shneide die Hälfte der Mango der Länge nach am Kern entlang ab. Schneide ein Gittermuster in das Fruchtfleisch ein. Stülpe die Schale von unten hoch und schneide die Mangowürfel von der Schale.
  3. Mix all the ingredients in a mixer and puree them in two minutes, then add a creamy smoothie.


Avocado-Pesto-Salat (approx. 230 Calories)


  • ½ Avocado
  • 100 g cherry tomatoes
  • ¼ Gurke
  • 5 g green pesto
  • ½ round Zwiebel
  • 1 tsp. Citronella juice
  • salt
  • Pfeffer


  1. Cut half a piece of avocado with fresh fruit and fresh fruit from the shell.
  2. Wash the cherry tomatoes and the butter and cut them with the avocado in small pieces.
  3. Würfel die Zwiebel oder schneide sie in Ringe.
  4. Gib everything in one Schüssel. Enjoy the salad with the pesto and the salt and the freshness with the salt and the palate.


Kürbiscremesuppe (approx. 370 calories)

  • 200 g Kürbis
  • 2 tsp coconut oil
  • 1 medium sized cone
  • 1 small piece of ingwer
  • 100 ml coconut milk
  • 300 ml water
  • 15 g Kürbiskerne (approx. 1 heaped EL)
  • Thymian
  • Nutmeg, fragrant
  • salt
  • Pfeffer


  1. Schäle die Zwiebel und dengwer und schneide both in kleine Stücke. Schwitze sie in Kokosöl in einem Topf an.
  2. Würfel den Kürbis und brate ihn im Topf an. Gieße then das Wasser auf.
  3. Cook everything with Thymian, Muskatnuss, Salz und Pfeffer und den Kürbis beit lightly seasoned with 10 to 15 minutes of cooking. Füge danach die Kokosmilch hinzu.
  4. Everything is done with cream soup and garniere with the Kürbiskernen.
    Übrigens: Kürbiskerne kommen auch beim Seed-Cycling häufig zum Einsatz, denn sie tarden zur natürlichen Hormonregulation bei.