
Live 10 years longer with these tips

Live 10 years longer with these tips

The Erlanger Krebs-Forscherin Yurdagül Zopf gives Tips: If you follow these rules during the beach test and the beach test, you can make it last longer.

Yurdagül works intensively as a Krebs expert in Erlangen with the Einflüssen von Ernährung and Bewegung auf de Entstehung von Krebs. The Hector Center for Ernährung, Bewegung and Sport in the Uniklinikum Erlangen and the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) have a profession for Integrative Medicine with the Schwerpunkt Ernährungsmedizin inne. I am conversational it is clear that it is difficult to increase the creditworthiness of Krebs-Risiko. In another article fassen

Now that the 50th birthday is given a tip for a healthy lifestyle, it will last a year longer.

Erlanger Krebs-Forscherin mit Tipps: Diese Lebensmittel beugen Krebs vor

It is worth the effort to exercise the Körperzusammensetzung: You will die another man of the Körperfett, the Muskelmasse, die Darmschleimhaut, erklärt Zopf. “Zu fell Fett im Körper fördert Entzündungen, Tumorerkrankungen had begun”, so that Krebs-Forscherin. The large muskel mass is formed by the immunity, the discharge of the intestine by the angemessen in Essen begins to reduce the risks, and Krebs will develop. Um de Körperzusammenensetzung positif zu beeinfussen, empfiehlt Zopf the Mediterranean Ernährung.

In Mediterranean cuisine, you play a loose role: the Pro Tag is another guy who has a handful of “easy gems” that you can’t use. Only salad to the core is not the solution – many more gemüse varieties with, for example, broccoli, butter, Romanesco, fennel, cabbage, wheat and more should be included in the diet. While the fibers in the mixture also take additional ballast substances. Milk products with yogurt, buttermilk or other products that are “positive for the intestinal flora” are often produced in large quantities.

A “small mixture” turns or other white meats for protein production all over the world, but is here gilded: only in masses. 300 to 600 grams per week – depending on the size and weight of the person. Many people are grimly crossing this guideline and over a kilo of meat in the week essential, so Zopf. It is possible that the effects on your body are, when you use the meat label. The olive and rapeseed oil stock has an “advanced profile” and a good effect of it can be used. “Ich benutze für alles mein Rapsöl”, Zopf states.

Krebs-Expertin explanation: Mediterranean Ernährung heißt regional Ernährung

The Erlanger Krebs-Expertin confirms: Mediterranean nutrition also means regional nutrition. Make sure you do not eat food from Italy or special “Superfood” products. Regional products are intended for the use of the food, absolutely unhindered and good.

Packed food should always be avoided if possible. This is the only way to keep the regular food times. If you want to buy a company and buy an operating system: the substance that a tomato has bought, which is used with rapeseed oil, can buy the people who buy a store, if the tomato is now doing its new job.

If people have a healthy nutrient and protein, they are tasty and they are not so sweet – then there is a positive flu by the Krebs expert. If the stuhlentleerung functions, then this is possible.

Muskeln aufbauen: The solltest du bei der Bewegung beachten

If there is a problem, man will not go beyond the issue, a muscle mass that is used, concrete Zopf. That can be Power training separating – an Trainingsgeräten, Terrabanden oder Ähnlichem. Endurance training while jogging is a lot of fun for the Herz-Kreislauf and much more, you can practice a man with that sport while he is blowing up Muskeln. Best man who has praised his Recommendation-zweimal Power training and zwei-bis dreimal Endurance training in der Woche.

But Zopf weiß: Often this is no time at all. In that autumn there is a man who gives “jegliche wrenches, an unspectacular movement to make quick work”, one of the settings in the Alltag in kleine Einheiten zu gewährleisten. “I’m always the Treppen and they are so fast that they can be very high”, bring the Krebs-Forscherin a Beispiel one.

The end of the Zopf party: Muskeln, when we Körperfett, an intact Darmschleimhaut – everything “sent the Entungsneigung in Körper” and thus the Krebs-Risiko. Man muses Mediterranean Ernährung and Bewegung als Lebensweise begreifen. “Damn, man, he will live longer.” This “Planetary Health Diät” is only likely, life will be long. More information about your local area can help you in your local area.