
Strict fluency rules for fast travel in Kraft

Strict fluency rules for fast travel in Kraft

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The Security Control and Flughäfen are higher than the largest timefresser for the start. Bald becomes another rule for the mitbringen of the flute erneut gültig.

Kassel – Only with hand packaging is resistant to a long-term flug not on its hygiene products, but it is not that there are eight musts in the 100-milliliter-liquid rule. Passage is possible in small formats: Mini shampoo bottles, small sunscreen tubes or toothpaste in a kind of “pocket size”. There are also restrictions with your own food and board – not all food dares to go in hand packaging.

If you can use a more modern scanner (CT scanner), the flash is automatically distributed correctly, while the flash limit from April 2024 in a German control and a flight in Europe will be carried out with a kraft paper or locked. Try to put a larger amount of courage in the hand packaging. But who the operator of the Frankfurt Airport Fraport on Wednesday (21. August) in a press release center, where the acceptance of fluids in hand packaging is again limited.

Easy to handle in your handbag: This is the first thing for passengers

The Mitnahme von Flüssigkeiten in Handgepäck and Flughäfen, such as in Frankfurt and Munich, became even stronger. Passagiere dürfen Flussigkeiten ab dem 1. September 2024 wieder ausschließlich “in Behältnissen mit einem Fassungsvermögen von jeweils bis zu 100 Milliliter in einem durchsichtigen, wiederverschließbaren 1-Liter-Kunststoffbeutel mitnehmen“, betont de Bundespolizei.

Strict fluency rules for fast travel in Kraft
Änderung an Flughäfen: Flexibility regulations for Handgepäck are also available © Imago/ momentphoto/ Killig

Was a flight passenger with your Handgepäck beachten müssen:

  • Pro Fluggast is the product of a 1-liter-bundle.
  • Keep the medical control technique, the journey is carried out and the hand package is transported. This is gilded for Spezialnahrung, and for Babies.
  • Babynahrung und Medikamente dar. Here you can use the Packungssizes über 100 ml hinausgehen.
  • When the medicines are used, the products are treated with a prescription or certificate.
  • A flight or at Fluggesellschaften erworbenen Duty-free-Flüssigkeiten dürfen as Handgepäck mitgenommen.
  • Here you can use the Duty-Free flights to work together with the Kaufbeleg in a Sicherheitsbeutel with a rotation version and no longer have to wait for the Zielflughafen to be opened.

It’s a piece of cake

After the EU Regulation on Handgepäck, we are talking about Fluidity with “Flüssigkeiten, Gelen und Aerosolen”. When you show the Federal Police all the substances of the stones, which are “soft, gelled, creamy or have a soft consistency at high air temperatures”. In Zweifelsfällen the control person on the flight is separated from the Zulässigkeit der Mitnahme.

This best immunity protection now applies to rights in the European Union and for non-EU states.

Source: Federal Police

Neben de Sicherheitskont rolen kommt is häufig am Gepäckband zu langeren Wartezeiten. With a trick the journey is done in the suitcase. If suitcase is lost, the pile of hilfreich signal can be found – but the best information that a man can see better.

Alte Flussigkeitsrule gilded wieder roads Sicherheitszweifel

After watching the German Press Agency (dpa) is the extension of the regulations on the consideration of the EU concern the reliance on the new art CT scanners. These are in the low, in the shortest time three-dimensional images of the hand packages that are set up, while the fluidity regulations are super-fluid. This practice is no longer applicable to the security consideration.

According to the new EU Directive, a larger bottle is no longer prohibited, with a capacity of 100 milliliters in the hand packaging, which can no longer be packed separately. Ebenso electronic equipment. A control system with original scanners is no longer available. Dort must travel beaker as an electronic unpack and prescribe.

Einführung der strengthening de anti-terrorist control

In August 2006, a British terrorist attack on the flight was thwarted when the flight material was released into the airstream by the flugs created by the explosion.

Before this background information was included in the EU in November 2006, the security principles were only small fluid mixtures and board of aircrafts mitgeführt durfen. A flight starts on TikTok, the absolute No-Gos when flying, the Passage is not so easy. (vw)