
Recipe of the week: Rote-Bete-Carpaccio with Ziegenfischkäse, Walnüssen and Rucola

Recipe of the week: Rote-Bete-Carpaccio with Ziegenfischkäse, Walnüssen and Rucola

“Genial experience” is our new series, for which we can offer you both tasty names from the Spitzenküche in the region: Four Köche, one Köchin and a Patisserie from the Spitzen-Gastronomie in Wechsel present you the Woche ein Gericht, which is a German one. If so, you yourself had lost the tag on the counter, when you got more answers, there was a simple goal and your handwriting written on it.

Sönke Höltgen bought Sky in the höchsten Restaurant der Stadt: in Köln. There is a part of the new Koch-Sextetts „Genial einfach“.

And if the buyer gives a hint to the brilliant sexual sextett: Sterneköchin Julia Komp, who in the Kölner Griechenmarktviertel ihr Restaurant “Sahila” and the Mezzebar “Yulia”, Sternekoch Marlon Rademacher, der in Rechtrheinische Dellbrück das Restaurant “La Cuisine Rademacher” führt, Sönke Höltgen, responsible for the event gastronomy in the “Köln Sky”, Sternekoch Thomas Gilles from Clostermanns Hof in Niederkassel, Hendrik Olfen from Restaurant “Henne Weinbar” in the Innenstadt and Patissiere Paula Wollmann from Kölner Restaurant Grubers.

Thomas Gilles of Clostermanns Hof

Sternekoch Thomas Gilles vom Clostermanns Hof verrät a tolles Vorspeisen-Rezept.

In this next version of Sternekoch Thomas Gilles vom Clostermanns Hof ein Vorspeisen-Rezept: Rote Bete Carpaccio with Roter Bete, Ziegenfrischkäse, Walnuss, Schwarze Johannisbeere and Rucola

Suitable for four people

4 medium sized fresh Rote Bete (alternative pre-purchased Rote Bete)

50 grams of arugula

300 grams of Zucker

200 g walnut kernels

1 l Pflanzenfett or oil for frying

50 ml Schwarze-Johannisbeeren-Essig



100 ml Walnut oil

200 g Ziegenfischkäse ohne Rinde


Frisian Rote Bete vorsichtig waschen, dabei die Haut nicht verletzen, en in Wasser aufkochen. Boil for 30-40 minutes, until the tubers are soft. Danach herausnehmen, abkühlen lassen en schälen (weigh the intensive Farbe am best with Einmalhandschuhen).

When buying Rote Bete, the step becomes natural.

Wash arugula and fry it.

For the Vinaigrette Essig with 1 Prize Salz and 2 Prizes Pfeffer würzen and the Walnussöl langam einlaufen lassen.

For the Vinaigrette Essig with 1 Prize Salz and 2 Prizes Pfeffer würzen and the Walnussöl langam einlaufen lassen.

300 ml water and 300 g Zucker in a top chef, walnut core, boil for 15 minutes.

Heat the fries in a top layer or in a pan at 180 ˚C.

For the Vinaigrette Essig with 1 Prize Salz and 2 Prizes Pfeffer würzen and the Walnussöl langam einlaufen lassen. Vermischen with a Schneebesen.

Rote Bete with a knife cutter (or a cutting machine) in 1 mm thick separated cuts.

Rote Bete with a knife cutter (or a cutting machine) in 1 mm thick separated cuts.

Walnuts in one piece, abtropfen welden, ins heiße Frittierfett and caramelized for 1 Minute, until golden brown. Then remove and weld on a Blech ercalten. Darauf eighten, dass sie nicht miteinander verkleben. Make sure you get a biesschen salzen and pfeffern.

Rote Bete with a slicer (or a cutting machine) into 1 mm thick slicing pieces.

Walnuts in one piece, abtropfen welden, ins heiße Frittierfett and caramelized for 1 Minute, until golden brown.

Walnuts in one piece, abtropfen welden, ins heiße Frittierfett and caramelized for 1 Minute, until golden brown.


Separate from four counter-circular shapes. Auch die Mitte mit Rote-Bete-Scheiben vol. Jeweils 2 EL Vinaigrette to serve. Arugula on the Rote-Bete-Scheiben-drapieren and your 1 EL Vinaigrette on the Salat-gießen. Freshly baked cheese in small pieces with the salad. Caramelize walnuts on the sick legs and serve.

Separate from four counter-circular shapes

Separate from four counter-circular shapes

Zur Series “Genial Einfach”

The recipe series enters into cooperation with the Cologne Association “Fine Food Days Cologne”, if it is so that Cologne with one of the many possibilities, a larger Gourmet Festival on the Landkarte der Spitzengastronomy are set.