
Linke advocates an action plan for the recovery of the automotive industry

Car Production (Archiv), über dts NachrichtenagenturThe vision of the crisis at Volkswagen led Left chief Janine Wissler to the Federal Government of an Action Plan for the development of the German automotive industry. “The Federal Government is not that old, whoever is the VW boss and the wall drives”, says Wissler in the Zeitungen der Funke-Mediengruppe (Mittwochausgaben). “Chancelor Scholz must as soon as possible achieve a special goal for the future of the automotive industry.” The government must form a plan with all relevant companies for the socio-economic environment of the industry.

Wissler offers a job guarantee in the automotive industry. “Nobody dares to go through and after the conversion of the social industry”, said the Left-wing leader. “Specially for those who work in the self-employed, we need a state-wide further education guarantee.” Wissler focuses on the production of small, electric cars that bring more modern cars and buses onto the market. “You have to make industrial work places with your future.” In the automotive industry for the purchase of products, the best immunization of operating authorities should be stopped at the production separation. “The owners and managers of the automotive industry have had a long life with generating profits, while the money ends up in the necessary conversion of the construction sector of the sector”, Wissler criticized. “The comparison with the Versagens would no longer be such a burden if a smaller profit were made, was produced.”

Photo: Car Production (Archiv), über dts Nachrichtenagentur

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