
“Concordia – Tödliche Utopia”: ZDF series with bigger visions

“Concordia – Tödliche Utopia”: ZDF series with bigger visions

The ZDF brings a new series highlight to the Mediathek. The safe drama series “Concordia – Tödliche Utopie” with Christiane Paul in the headquarters of a utopian society, overseen by an AI. Die sisters and sisters are strung together.

No one will connect the total Supervision during the State with etwas Positivem. But he was on his guard then Supervision only the community served? When you make the connection Facts Kriminalität and sogar gefährlichen Krankheiten vorgebeugt were done? Genau diesem Gedankenspiel with the ZDF series “Concordia – Daily Utopia”, from 14. September in the Media library to blow up is.

It’s about “Concordia –

Who in the Swiss city Unity live with your camera in your life and living conditions Supervision by a Artistic intelligence (KI). Selbst Vitalfunktionen wie Herzfrequenzenzen unter Pulse stehen unter Deliverymake sure you are in the Mimik, by the AI ​​registration and control. The Population is no longer a mind, but finds it so good.

The idea of ​​this utopian Gesellschaftskonzept comes from Juliane Ericksen, played by Christian Paul (50). She has been siding with the city for 20 years. Now she is promoting expansion to Germany. Let a Mordfall leave the city before the city conferences a portion of the damage on the day of death Utopia. Another schlimmer: Attacks are possible, the AI ​​will hack and thus find Zugriff on the masses in a highly sensitive way Facts to reach the Concordants.

Science fiction,
or Krimi – Das erwartet die Zuschauer

The safe drama series says something UtopiaWithout that being dystopian. Otherwise when it comes to dystopian works, this is not a problem. Christian Paul mimt as head of the city Unity There is no question of a power dictator, which is also a man Dystopia started. That Figure Juliane Ericksen is probably a woman with a bigger dream and vision of world fame and a great experience, which fortschrittliche Technology for the good eingesetzt kann. The Handlung der Series ist auch keine Zukunftsvision, if you play in life, you a zeitpunkt, and dem the Stadt Unity Schon ihr 20-years Besthen feert. “Die Technologythe power that exists still exists,” Frank Doelger’s production, the production of “Der Schwarm” (2023) and “Game of Thrones” (2011-2019) waged war, demonstrates.

“Concordia- Daily Utopie” weist zunächst Elemente eines Krimis auf. This begins Series stehen de Ermittlungen rund um den Mord an einem Concordias im Fokus. It is clear that the coupleswert is a dating protection in the city. So die Personal rights des Opfers en de Aufklärung des Mordes in Konflikt. Before it all happens, when the Frage is ripped off, everything is vereinbar ist with the absolute Transparenz, which Unity stagger.

The handle will be removed as soon as possible Exciting. A mystery Activity group in the Focus and long-held Mysteries step out again and again from the Treasures of Concordias. What is the death of KI?

Artistic intelligence
in Concordia

Rund um das Serien-Highlight bietet tie ZDF a Rahmenprogramma, that is the theme Artistic intelligence damaged. In “Concordia – Daily Utopia takes place on one of the following reels. It is a fact that an AI is watching over the city and Yield Entdeckt, woraufhin aine Warnung abgegeben wird. Who that To live in Unity for the einwohnerinnen and einwohner with the KI it will come out, which is hinged. Statistics start with following interviews, which make a documentary, in the human who vermeintlichen for a einem goes To live under standard Delivery to paint.

The Sisters and Sister alive Unity with Thea Ryan, played by Ruth Bradley (37), dies after the Mord as Krisenmanager in the city. Together with Isabelle Larsson, played by Nanna Blondell (38), is engaged to the interne Ermittlung in the fall. Blondel played a role in “House of the Dragon” (since 2022) a while ago. Your roles in “Concordia – Daily “Utopie” comes from the ZDF series and is still emotionally a great anchor.

The AI ​​as well as the Utopia back finally in the background of a kulisse for a political issue Exciting. As a sor, the Series durchau sehenswert en kann ihre Zuschauerinnen en Sister not a problem thanks to a clever move Cliffhanger at the Stange stops. Die TV-Ausstrahlung im ZDF next on 20 and 21. October with your three Follow from 22:15 Uhr.