
Simone Lugner: Erster Auftritt seit Mörtels Begräbnis

Simone Lugner: Erster Auftritt seit Mörtels Begräbnis

In his office in Lugner City, Richard Lugners and Simone are quickly busy with the Day at Work – Events that have never been investigated. Bis jetzt

Seit dem Dod van Richard Lugner is with Simone at Tauchstation. Only when your husband is there, he goes out in the open for a few hours. If most of the time is one of the many advantages of Baumeister, it is a lie in all Ruhe verbs. “There is an extreme situation. For everything that I am not civilized and sit in the garden and zum Friedhof rüberschaue”, Simone said in Talk with oe24.

If you know more, Simone Lugner is involved in work and is involved in her career-job in Lugner City sour quests. Dort stand Samstagnachmittag das first major event takes place by Tod von Richard Lugner on the program.

Enjoy your time with Richard Lugner at “Oktoberfest” in the Lugner City ever since

©Christian Kaiser

Zu Lebzeiten war Richard Lugner beim

“O’zapft is” is at 2 pm according to tradition the Oktoberfest in the shopping center. A highlight, which is in the past, is a light term in the war of Richard Lugner.

© Fuhrich

Simone Lugner

For Simone it is a fact that she will have to deal with her problems. “I would rather not hang. It is very sad because of Richard. I have come back and something like that has happened to me,” says Simone, who is with my Mama and Schwester, in oe24-Talk.

Simone Lugner with Schwester Renate

© Fuhrich

Simone Lugner with Schwester Renate

The beer of the Ehren in the verstorbenen Mannes no longer dares to work. Dieser blieb dem new grim Mann in de Lugner Clan vorbehalten. Gemeinsam met Bezirksvorsteher Dietmar Baurecht nahm Leo Lugner – parts et was unbeholfen – the Anstich for a useful the platform that plays for his Wahlkampf with “Team Kickl”.

Leo Lugner and BV Dietmar Baurecht

© Fuhrich

Leo Lugner and BV Dietmar Baurecht

If there is a war, the Lugner City is not such a war that will take place over the years. “Man notes a fact, that Richard fehlt and nobody can ersetzen”, Simone continues. “Schade finds that the family Richards Leo and nobody wages war. It is Richard who otherwise has gone differently”, thought Mörtels with a big sad.

© Fuhrich

Simone and Leo Lugner

Der Zuspruch des Publikums is the best, in Richard Lugner’s Sinn weiterzumachen. “Viele Leute sind ich zugekommen and haben mir tröstende Worte Spendet and wollen Selfies with mir”, see Simone Lugner as positive.