
Pergerin for this hour of performance: Tanz-Performance “In the garden of a rose” as a Gesamtkunstwerk

Pergerin for this hour of performance: Tanz-Performance “In the garden of a rose” as a Gesamtkunstwerk

VIENNA, PERG. A great Monika Schabus-Steffen Zegt in der interdisziplinären Performance “In the garden of a rose” in the Größe. This performance of writing, choreography and inszenierte that is lost Sonntag plötzlich verstorbene gebürtige Pergerin Mona Mei special for the tanzers of Monika Schabus-Steffen. Premiere war am Mittwoch, September 25, 2024, Pygmalion Theater, Alser Straße 43, 1080 Wien.

Fünf Künstler, een gesamtkunstwerk
“In the Garden of a Rose” is a work of generations, while the art of Artists is financed: the Dancer Monika Schabus-Steffen, the Dramatic Artist and Director Mona Meithe speaker Barbara Edingerthe Songwriter and Singer Lisa Koloseus and the Sound expert Jan Braun.

While the Uraufführung de Grande Dame of the free tanzszene Monika Schabus-Steffen the Visionen, Träume, Wünsche, Hoffnungen and Erfahrungen of Mona May is single. That fast siebzigjährige Tänzerin is the best of Sinn a Rebellin, so who Mona May can wage a war. Both are not between Klischees beeindrucken. Were the premiere with offensive eyes and ears sequel, it must be acknowledged: Both, Monika and Mona, have their fuller Tanz and Leben versschrieben. Monika Schabus-Steffen serves as Vorbild for many Tanz Generations. Darum will never act again. It will be a good idea: Ich live. I am. I’ve experienced it. There is a war with the Lebens-Philosophie von Mona May.

Total work of art
With Sprecherin Barbara Edinger, the singer and songwriter Lisa Koloseus and Jan Braun Philipp Kaplan (Pygmalion-Theater) see Mona May as a professional team financed. They are in Zusammenarbeit with Mona May and Monika Schabus-Steffen “In the garden of a rose” with an unparalleled gesamtkunstwerk.

Idea/Text/Insight: Mona May
Dance: Monika Schabus-Steffen
Speaker: Barbara Edinger
Songwriting and vocals: Lisa Koloseus
Sound: Jan Braun
Light: Philipp Kaplan

Noch zwei Vorstellungen: Donnerstag, September 26, 2024, Freitag, September 27, 20 Uhr, Pygmalion Theater, Alser Straße 43, 1080 Vienna. Karting and der Abendkassa.

Mona May: “Immer steht der Mensch en alles Menschliche im
Mittelpunkt meiner künstlerischen Arbeit.”