
Uraufführung: In the garden of a rose: Tanz-Performance gegen Alters-Diskriminierung

Uraufführung: In the garden of a rose: Tanz-Performance gegen Alters-Diskriminierung

The interdisciplinary performance “In the Garden of a Rose” would be specially written, choreographed and performed by Mona May’s composer Monika Schabus-Steffen (70). Premiere is ist 25. September 2024, Pygmalion Theater, Alser Straße 43, 1080 Vienna at 8 PM. WIEN, PERG. “In the Garden of a Rose” is a Work of Generations, with four artists based in itself: the Tänzerin Monika Schabus-Steffen (70), the Dramaticerin and Director Mona May (eine gebürtige Pergerin aus OÖ), the Schauspielerin and Sprecherin Barbara Edinger (33) and sound and visual artist Paul Janisch (34).

Uraufführung is on September 25, 2024, Pygmalion Theater, Alser Straße 43, 1080 Vienna at 8 p.m. Weitere Vorstellungen on September 26 and 27.

Tanzerin & Rebellin
The interactive and interdisciplinary performance “In the Garden of a Rose” would be specially written, choreographed and performed by Mona May’s composer Monika Schabus-Steffen.
That rapid relapse is the best sin of a rebellion, which is never caused by cleaving. If you write the dance and the life. Monika Schabus-Steffen functions as a prefiguration for many dance generations. That will never happen again. Find a place in a world of youth and performance fantasies and of the alternative disk in the fight against the fight. You will say. It will be a good idea: Ich lebe. Ich bin. I have experienced it.

Altgerlslimit stored
This connection is called “In the garden of a rose” Recognition slow. Unlike in the Japanese Tanzform Butoh, the dancers with funfundneunzige years of the Western world, while in Europe the career of Artists and Artists are outlined above all in the area of ​​Tanz, on an alternative border.

Idea/Text/Insight: Mona May
Dance: Monika Schabus-Steffen
Speaker/Song: Barbara Edinger
Visual/Sound: Paul Janisch
Light: lightPeople
Reservations: [email protected] or tel.: 0660 22 66 708
Eine Gemeinschaftsproduktion von Verein Praxis Pirouette / Graz en dem Verein argeLeute / Wien

    Monika Schabus-Steffen in "In the garden of a rose" by Mona May. | Photo: Emanuel Frank
Mona Mei. "In the garden of a rosewurde von Mona May geschrieben, choreography en inszeniert. | Photo: private


A golden Auszeit nehmen. | Photo: Peter Baier


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