
Überraschungsgast im Badrutt’s Palace St. Moritz

Überraschungsgast im Badrutt’s Palace St. Moritz

The car fan Harry Hasler, who is a regular guest on the TV shows of the comedians Viktor Giacobbo, war and then suddenly the picture surface disappears, is seen: and it is high time of the greatest industrialist Peter Spuhler in St. Moritz.

Before a few years ago the writer Gion Mathias Cavelty viewed the Skull of Harry Hasler in the Ortsmuseum Schwamendingen, he studied. Herr Cavelty hat is fantastic. Who is enthusiastic about the «Sonntags-Blick», is Harry Hasler, 72, black in Rest, after he has found a skullcap so far, but in Vollbesitz uses the golden hairdresser. Vergangenes Wochenende liest er sich, so the Zeitung, auf der Hochzeit von Laura Spuhler in St. Moritz blicken. It is the journey of the Stadler-Rail-chefs Peter Spuhler, with the Hasler «his friend for years», with the report of the Ringier-press. Unfortunately, the Schwamenendinger TV legend was not present at the tour, which was attended by the 150 guests who were present at the Hotel Badrutt’s Palace.

Rumors for the prominent Eisenbahn abstinenzler with wehendem Fuchsschwanz in Chevrolet Corvette Stingray vor. There is a small French leather jacket that started in Hawaii, that his Bauchnabel has waged a war. The concierge of the Haslers Stingray in the hotel garage is very curious, it is a matter of «Pfote weg vo mim Fass» verschucht. If a reporter from Radio Grischa fragments, the high quality of an Eisenbahn-Tycoons has never gotten angry at Schienen, because Hasler has started with the protocol, he is an “individual insurer” under the “Zuangst” guideline. A Passantin would like to hear, who is a Lady in Fur with «Saletti, Schätzli» begrüsste; the woman has ‘salametti with spätzli’ sense and sense, it is a vegetarian menu. When Hasler broke out in a drowning laugh (“I’m in Heaven”), he was drawn in by many curious characters. A country fan found Hasler for Dolly Parton, holding a visiting card and saying, “I’m the Hasler Harry, hi! A super cool Mega-Gei is awesome.”

If the press stops waging war, the anschliesende party at the ball can now become more spectacular. Mutmassungen, Hasler habe seinen Welthit «Saletti» aus dem Jahr 1996 zum Besten gegeben («Wiiber, Schlitte, alles paletti / Bruschthaar hani au e Schwetti / Business machi, Kasse klinge / Wohne tueni z Schwamedinge»), could still be verified who Rumor about a comeback.

Ersten ersten that Harry Hasler played a new year in the satirical ending of the “Viktors program”. In 2014, Stammgast was in the Late-Night-Show at Giacobbo/Müller. «Vrij van jeder Bildung», («Die Weltwoche») is sich auf seine Art zu komplexen Themen wie Klimawandel, Veganisme or Sexualität («wennt weisch wani mein»). Danach is a real Hasler.

In Weinfelden, go to Hasler with eight Opel-Manta-Fanclub at. When his ausgedehnten Fahrten (“full tank”) during the Weiten der Thurgauer fruit plantations dreams are of the distance. And so one day the engine first sets, as in the heart of Zurich’s old war: in Schwamendingen. “My Manta GT/E is no longer in the Nelson-Pub on Frauenfelderstrasse”, appeared in 2009 in the “Weinfelder Anzeiger”. There is talk of a sex film production, the sale of souvenirs and esoteric articles, but the first thing that concerns the seller of a car is his commotion. The technology used by the car industry from the power of the power of companies to buy, the electric “Tussi-Mobile” is a “schwule Rollstühle”. Trotz seiner nationalen Popularität verlor Hasler nie een Bodenhaftung, sein Quartier gab ihm Halt. If so, you are in the Rancho-Pub or in the Pattaya-Bar.

There is a problem with the Frage, which Harry Hasler has been aware of for a few years in recent years. As a friend, from Komiker Viktor Giacobbo, write auf Anfrage: “Zu Harry has no sporadic contact now.” Letztmals started in St. Moritz at the height of Peter Spuhler’s Tochter. Encouragement in the environment of the Pattaya Bar must be carried out in Thailand, after the Block and the traffic lights A 1, in which there will be a shortage of war. Other hinged swings can also be used for the beer regal in Denner stehen.

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