
buten un in: Wieder Vizeweltmeister: 15-years Bremer Tanzpaar 2. im Standard

buten un in: Wieder Vizeweltmeister: 15-years Bremer Tanzpaar 2. im Standard

Status: 14.09.2024 21:49

Whoever spent his years with Yigit Bayraktar and Lukrecija Kuraite from Grün-Gold-Club at the Junioren-WM in Standard has now won the title.

If you have the starting number 13 on the back, but it is worth not to bring Yigit Bayraktar and Lukrecija Kuraite in Saturday evening. Who is in the previous reichte, is for the 15-year-olds of Bremer Grün-Gold-Club who do not have a world title in Standard – they will not be there anymore.

Strahlende Vizeweltmeister: Yigit Bayraktar and Lukrecija (left) neben de Siegern Rumänen Radu Raul Gabriel/Usvat Ioana and Ciprian Nucaru/Alexandrina Martinova from Vltava.

Eight hours long the competition of the Junior II Class, also of the 14- and 15-year-olds, continued in the Romanian Timisoara. 55 pairs started mittens in the first of five rounds, delivered by good 500 spectators. I finally left the field and the best of the pair has changed – and the proceeds of the fight and the success of the Kuraite were there.

Both Schüler had eight stunden-täglich and more training for the WM, Roberto Albanese had passed the last Feinschliff. A brauchten itself is not worth it. In all nice Runden both die in the nice Standardtänzen Langsamer Walzer, Tango, Wiener Walzer, Slowfox und Quickstep hervorragende Leistungen.

Rumänisches Paar wird Weltmeister

The chemical industry and the Kuraïte, who have been together for four years, stimulate our moment and the power that goes on, young couples die out at the Parkett. Technically, it is not likely that you play a new world of business while you are busy in your personal way and a little bit with your properties.

Just before a year, the Bremen must have had a couple of romantic moments at the WM in Rumänien, and that end war is now over. Radu Raul Gabriel and User Ioana find the WM title in Standard. But Bayraktar and Kuraite were still at peace with their leisure. If your best people and men in Halle have the best wishes. If you’re such a man in the tanz sport, damn the man has to live and the teenager auch.

Add WM to the 10 Tänze wartet preparation

Yigit Bayraktar und Lukrecija Kuraite since Weltmeister im Latein, Vizeweltmeister im Standard und wollen ihren WM-Titel über die 10 Tänze als nächstes.

After all, we will clear it again on Wednesday (September 28) in Kosice with the WM over their Tänze ansteht – and with Bayraktar and Kuraite as the title announcer in the race. The WM title of Juniors II Latein won both Grün-Gold-Tänzer in July. All titles in an alternative class of the time to stop are an absolute Seltenheit. Quickly clean up Mythos. A Bayraktar and Kuraite will no longer be passive during those years.

It is now a Grund more for the both, it is a lawtbewer who his reconciliation and the Wertungsrichter with his better quality and his Ausstrahlung of his überzeugen. After the return from Rumänien the Training is directly further. The Countdown is now ready for WM.

Experience Final Junior WM Standard:
Place Dance couple Nationality


Radu Raul Gabriel and Usvat Ioana



Yigit Bayraktar & Lukrecija Kuraite



Ciprian Nucaru and Alexandrina Martinova



Eli David and Yael Kagan



Martin Makarov and Regina Peik



Sabin Alexandru-Marian and Dediu Alessandra Maria


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