
Federal Government will pump billions into start-ups

Federal Government will pump billions into start-ups

The Federal Government will publish a number of newspaper articles together with partners from the Finanzwirtschaft Geld in the German Start-ups, but will not receive any of the best improvements in the framework conditions.

As part of the ‘Win initiative’, the KfW-Förderbank of the Bundes is jointly with Deutscher Bank, Commerzbank, DZ Bank, Allianz, Blackrock and the Bayerische Versorgungskammer in new foreign investments, writes the ‘Handelsblatt’ in the port of Montagausga under robbery at ‘Regierungs- en Finanzkreise’.

The “Win ​​Initiative” was formed by the office of Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD), Wirtschaftsminister Robert Habeck (Grüne) and Finanzminister Christian Lindner (FDP). The private capitalist advisors who are working with the KfW are more like the billions of euros for the Verfügung, this is from Insidern. These people can all use innovative start-ups to fly on the market, such as ‘Scale-ups’. The last editions have only just begun, the summer cannot last longer than the last party.

The “Win ​​Initiative” has just started to finance the same company, which allows them to earn more money with the start of the start-up sectors. Among other things, the conditions for exits, companies or companies of start-ups will also be improved the best investment strategies for Wagniskapital-Investitionen. In addition, the initiative will establish so-called Secondaries. If you have a second market for the best profit and loss accounts in the Wagniskapital Fund, this action will now be sold.

Director Steffen Hebestreit hatte am Freitag bereits auf the new Vorhaben eingestimmt: “Start-ups are concerned about their legal management skills and slow down their future lives, they are an important and separate factor in the Transformation Unserer Wirtschaft and Gesellschaft“, I think that it for journalists is Berlin. +++