
Aricoma erwirbt Luxemburger Entwickler Neofacto en setzt damit seine Expansion nach Westen fort

Aricoma erwirbt Luxemburger Entwickler Neofacto en setzt damit seine Expansion nach Westen fort

PRAG and LUXEMBOURG, September 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Aricoma, a tschechischer Marktführer in Bereich Unternehmens-IT and the division of the KKCG-Investmentgruppe, which has adopted a neofacto-übernommen in Luxembourg. Das Unternehmen has hired software for the Europäische Investitionsbank (EIB) and the Finance Institute in Luxembourg.

Neofacto was founded in Luxembourg in the year 2000. It employs around eighty employees. You can rely on software services for the financial institution in Europe, affiliated with the European Investment Bank, a. You can execute API programs and integrations, Web design (Front- and Backend, dB-Management), Development and Testing mobile apps, DevOps (technical tools and trainings), Business Analytics, Testing and Blockchain- and AI-Services.

“The Übernahme von Neofacto is one by one more logical Schritt. They start our work for the institutions of the European Union, a supranational EU-Einrichtungen with Sitz in Luxembourg. A natural friends with our, Dutzende von ergahrenen Branchenprofis uns begrüßen zu dürfen. Gemeinsam We can work on these EU Institutions, Behörden and other authorities in the Benelux and DACH Countries in the Netherlands. says Milan Sameš, CEO von Aryoma.

“Who will pay attention to the fact that Aricoma de Ehrgeiz, in the Benelux-Länder and the Deutschsprachigen Markt will expand. The Übernahme von Neofacto is one of the first Schritte on our way, a bedeutender Anbieter of End-to-End-IT-Services in Western Europe would become fugted Michal Tománek, Investment Director and Deputy Chief Investment Officer at KKCG, Hinzu.

“We have been in a new phase for more than 20 years of history. We have not yet become one of the strongest European IT entrepreneurs, one of our Geschäft pastt auch gut zur Beit und Strategie des international Teams von Aricoma mit Sitz in Brüssel and Luxembourg”, Ludovic Compere, CEO of Neofacto, said the Company’s function is being strengthened.

Neofacto’s client is affiliated with the EIB, the Luxembourg banks ING and Spuerkeess, the Luxembourg insurance company Foyer and the Luxembourg stock exchange. I earned 10.3 million a year ago in 2023. Euro.

Aricoma’s international team has been based in Brussels and has provided services to the European Commission, FRONTEX and Europol.

About air
Aricoma offers services in the areas of IT infrastructure, cloud, business applications, cyber security, digitalization of public sectors and system integration and, with a portfolio, which is a major project for the institutions of the European Union in Brussels and Luxembourg. Sabris Consulting, Consulting 4U, KCT Data and the software developer SYSCOM software from the Czech Republic and Neofacto in Luxembourg are cases of Aricoma. Aricoma is a technology company of the KKCG-Investmentgruppe, which is worth more than 1,600 dollars and has earned a fortune of 400 million euros. More information can be found under

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