
Shopping tour with savings plan – “Heart and spirit”-Florian with Riesen-Einkauf

Shopping tour with savings plan – “Heart and spirit”-Florian with Riesen-Einkauf

  1. Mannheim24
  2. Promi & Toon
  3. Hearty and passionate

Shopping tour with savings plan – “Heart and spirit”-Florian with Riesen-Einkauf
Florian has to save, it’s a fact – but power is one of the most important Shopping trips. © RTLZWEI

The life of Marina muss „Harz und herzlich“-Florian who finances the family alone. The fact is that savings are being made, but it is a major investment.

In the Benz-Baracken the money is good, also with the “Hartz und herzlich” main character Florian. If you use the Trennung of Marina, there is nothing more to see, but everything is well arranged. My job at a Sicherheitsdienst can be a childish financing – it is most useful if we do that. Jetzt hat is one of the best things you can do:

“Heart and Heart” – Florian and Marina receive money for the family

In the new series Florian says: Black is busy with “Hartz and Herzlich”, while Marina does it, but the trennung nimmt is in its most special form. It is possible that the Haushalt-führen and children’s soul the Mannheimer full out. Sodem must is now only in the family finances and the roads actually still save more.

Statt aber dem Discounter is one of the reasons why the family responds to RTLZWEI: “I have such a big debt that I have a big chance. Then it is no longer the case that Worms, a Wurst and a Fleisch are in the hole.” Although Florian has never used the Großeinkauf, Florian will no longer buy milk and yogurt at a Bauerhof.

Benz-Barackler said Großeinkauf bei “Hartz und herzlich” – so teuer war es

Florian is confident that he can help Lebensmittel. This is a good way to shop for Fleischgroßhandel zu: “I have bought my Fleischpaket wieder, Geschnetzeltes, Hackfleisch, Bratwürste und Schnitzel. Then I’ll have some snacks, a few tasty dishes (…), I’ll have some snacks and a few pizzas.”

In “Harz en herzlich” Florian said that he was Einkäufe
Beim Fleisch-Verkauf hat Florian zugeschlagen: Über 100 Euro hat is für Wurst, Fertiggericht und Ähnliches ausgegeben. © Screenshot / RTLZWEI

When Marina activates the “Hartz and Herzlich”-Exit function, this is an outflow of a farm. Dort macht is the stopp-seiner Shopping Tour, to buy milk. It is certain that you end up at the Supermarket. The farmers want to support themselves. Was the end of the gesamten a fact, it is no more – but only for the meat has a “knapp 100 Euro” come out. (str)