
Start in Berufsleben für Bauer-Azubis in Schrobenhausen

Start in Berufsleben für Bauer-Azubis in Schrobenhausen

From Bohrmaschine to his group: an incorrect program is on the first three work phases of the new Auszubildenden at Bauer in Schrobenhausen, while the Unternehmen Mitteilt. 38 Nachwuchskräfte began on September 2 in Berufsleben – laut Bauer with a perhaps out of tension and foreplay. There is a new representation of the situation.

First of all, there are four Lehrlinge as agricultural and construction mechanics. Make sure you quickly check all Ausbildungsstellen zum Ausbildungsstart.

The first part of the new world is formed by a three-dimensional program full of action, so the world. The starting point in the Hochseilgarten Schloss Scherneck. By the new contact with the Kletterpartien, Group discussions and Kennenlernspielen are the first points of contact and gemeinsam Hürden überwinden.

Tags darauf stands in Schrobenhausen Information about the program. I am Anschluss besichtigten die Neuankömmlinge das Werk in Aresing. While the Azubi’s have reached a higher level a few years later, it is so that a solid training program dares to undertake and check yourself and try out the bohrgeräte yourself. It is an unparalleled experience, it is all possible.

Verhaltensregeln voor de Arbeitsalltag

The third day file from other sources, a work description in Edelshausen, is a group division. In small teams, the set out rules for the Arbeitsalltag are used. The following rules apply to the internal installation of the späteren-einsatz with.

The program for the new Azubi is set in a modern and interactive format, so Bauer. I have taken a mediocre position in practice and practical experiences. “I have always liked the new Azubis the group work”, says training leader Gerhard Piske, “who give their opportunities, their own ideas to come up with”. Outside of their group work, ideal for getting to know each other, he thinks. Anyway, it is the new life of Anfang and an explosion of will – and it is their gelungen. Ab Thursday the Azubis then start in their jewelry departments.