
Glücksgefühle Festival 2024: Polizei sees positive Bilanz

Glücksgefühle Festival 2024: Polizei sees positive Bilanz

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Hockenheimring – The Glücksgefühle Festival 2024 at the Hockenheimring in love with a few traffic jams and heavy traffic. The Polizei sees a positive Bilanz.

Das Publikum auf dem Glücksgefühle 2024.
Trotz Zehntausenden Festival-Besuchern in love with those “Glücksgefühle” 2024 great reibungslos. © Uwe Anspach/fotoalliantie/dpa

Update from September 15th: The Polizeipräsidium Mannheim sees a positive outlook after the Glücksgefühle Festival 2024 at Hockenheimring. With a lot of traffic on the travel roads and festival roads, you will love the travel traffic and travel traffic, even if you have no traffic problems.

Festival visitors feierten friedlich – Festival-Delikte trübten Stimmung nicht

The veranstaltung itself is characterized by typical festival delicacies, the performance of a short selection and a number of diebstählen. Dennoch feierten de Festivalbesucher ausgelassen und friedlich miteinander. Auch die Abreise inlief ohne größere Störungen.

In these years, a flugvercollision zone for Drohnen will carry out one of the most targeted reforms. Trotzdem started more pilots in Drohnen Broaderrecht. The more technical Hilfe could become the responsible Drohnenpiloten. If you want more roads, you have to comply with the Luftverkehrsgesetz.

Backstreet Boys generate 90,000 fans

Update from September 14th: The first two days of “Glücksgefühle” 2024 at the Hockenheimring since History, at Freitag (13. September) stand as a whole special Highlight of the Program. The Backstreet Boys dominate the mega stage in the Rhein-Neckar-Kreis with their “Backstreet” and rock with Tausenden fans. They boats with „I want it like this“, „Shape of my Heart“ and „Everybody“ are one of the best songs.

The band Backstreet Boys perform at the Glücksgefühle Festival at the Hockenheimring.
The Backstreet Boys will play one of Besten’s most likely songs at the Glücksgefühle-Festival. © Uwe Anspach/fotoalliantie/dpa

Einziger Europaauftritt der Backstreet Boys in diesem Jahr

Laut Veranstalter handled one of the only instruments of the US-Band in Europe in those years. If you see pop hits, it is worth playing the boy bands. The Backstreet Boys have created the public with video clips, choreographies, choreographies and their best hits. If the concrete is more, whatever it is, in Deutschland aufzutreten. The organizers of festivals are the great national football player Lukas Podolski and the music manager Markus Krampe.

“Sie machen good Musik und machen eine geile Show”, uses “Poldi” for the Backstreet Boys Festival, it has been in common on the stage for about three years. “Man has become bigger.” For the Freitag, the Veranstalter with etwa 90,000 Festival visitors. The program is on Auftritte von Künstlern with Shirin David, Die Fantastischen Vier, Tokio Hotel and Jan Delay. The Festival is officially opened during the Sonntag, where the Konzerte am Samstagabend ends.

Glücksgefühle Festival at the Hockenheimring – Superstar Pietro Lombardi sings Festival Anthem

Update from July 30th: Der aus Karlsruhe stamende Lokalmatador Pietro Lombardi (“Phänomenal”, “Cinderella”) is not yet in the present day of the Glücksgefühle Festival at Hockenheimring auf, sondern singt sogar een whole new Festival-Hymne. Rührend: The song „Glücksgefühle“ was played by the DSDS version of 2011 with the performances of Verlobten Laura Maria Rypa.

Pietro Lombardi
Superstar Pietro Lombardi sang with his new song “Glücksgefühle” almost the anthem for the Glücksgefühle Festival of Kumpels Lukas Podolski at the Hockenheimring (BW). © Georg Wendt/dpa

Viel Spaß has put Pietro on video with his Kumpels Lukas Podolski and Rurik Gislason. Kult-Kicker and 2014er Weltmeister Podolski is Mit-Organisator of the Glücksgefühle Festivals, with a report from HEIDELBERG24.

Glücksgefühle Festival fast available – so you can get tickets for the Hockenheimring

Update from July 22nd: Wer noch met de cutlery, zum diesjährigen Glücksgefühle Festival with Mega-Stars with the Backstreet Boys, Fanta 4 or Kontra K is so much fun that they are so enthusiastic! The 2nd Monate for Deutschlands inzwischen größstem Festival since now no 8,000 Tickets available. As long as it lasts up to 200,000 Besucher zum a Million Quadratmeter großen Gelände rund ums Motodrom of the legendären Hockenheimrings pilgern.

Glücksgefühle Festival: Erstmals Green Camping-Angebot on Hockenheimring

Update from March 17: Ungestört Camping? No problem! The Veranstalter des Glücksgefühle Festivals bieten dieses Jahr das Green Camping an. An oasis in the Ruhe is all on the camping site and it was. Zwischen 1 Uhr nights and 8 Uhr mornings gilded here Nighttruhe for all Camper.

Available camping spots could be used with Green Camping-Stellplatz

On Green Camping is only Zelte and Pavillons without additional constructions available. Camping furniture is of course designed, but larger furniture, benches, furniture and cushions must be in the house lassen. When considering the Veranstalter activities, you can increase the price of the Plätze content and the Festival of all Hinterlassen-schaften – that is Green Camping.

If you find a pitch at the Green Camping on the Stellplatz, the order number may disappear from the website.

Single European Concert 2024! Backstreet Boys at the Glücksgefühle Festival at the Hockenheimring

Update from December 4: Now it’s really big, let’s stop this party! None other than the legendary Backstreet Boys were the star of the annual Hockenheimring’s Glücksgefühle Festival at the start! There was a European broadcast of the legendary Boyband der Welt in the year 2024. New with the line-up: Martin Garrix, Shirin David, Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike and Tokio Hotel! No, as long as it’s Knaller.

There are 3 Pfälzer Chartstürmer from ClockClock (“Brooklyn”, “Sorry”) on the Euphoria Stage am Start. Here is the complete line-up of Deutschlands at Anhieb größtem Musik-Festival.

Last Acts for Glücksgefühle Festival sold – Mia Julia, Leony & Co. wieder dabei

Update of November 23, 9:47 AM: If all the premieres of the premiere of the Glücksgefühle Festivals 2023 take place – and they will take place in September 2024 almost in the wiederholungstätern. Who from the Veranstalter jetzt mitgeteilt hat, since both with Spannung erwarteten Neuauflage with Mia Julia, Leony, Wincent Weiss, HBz, Harris & Ford wieder in Motodrom at Start.

Wobei most LUNA is still just wiederholungsstäterin, who will leave his credit clause in September 2023. If you notice the sinner, this is still the case.

Glücksgefühle Festival 2024 – including Jan Delay, Bausa & Neelix am Hockenheimring

Update of November 16, 6:57 AM: It gets more concrete – and it gets hotter! The line-up during the Glücksgefühle Festival (12 to 15 September) at the legendary Hockenheimring (Baden-Württemberg) is getting even longer. A week after Verkündung erster Acts wie de Fanta 4, Fritz Kalkbrenner und Montez have de Veranstalter jetzt de nächsten Namen raus.

One of the best things we can see and what we are all engaged in: Kult-Sänger Jan Delay (‘Türlich, Türlich’, ‘Disko’) comes with a single nasal stimme and disko no. 1 of the zweitägigen Musik- Marathon. Almost in the blessing Hood tritt Rapper Bausa (“Was Du Liebe nennst”) auf, who was born in Saarbrücken and lives in Bietigheim-Bissingen.

“No game at all, Neelix”! Get the thrill out of the cult film Casablanca with the Hamburger DJ after a set on the Cloud 9 Stage during the festival premiere in September 2023 at Wunsch der Fans. Under er brings electronic Verstärkung aus Belgien mit – Top-DJ Lost Frequencies (“Where are you now”).

Glücksgefühle Festival 2024 – Fanta 4, Kalkbrenner & Co. at Megakonzert on the Hockenheimring

First registration from November 9th: All existing names of the 2024 line-ups are available again for all music fans who want Glücksgefühle! During the Veranstalter des Glücksgefühle Festivals (12. to 15. September) the first big acts for the sweaty Konzert-Spektakel at the Hockenheimring have been dropped.

Fanta 4, Kalkbrenner, Montez and W&W during the Glücksgefühle Festival

With the fantastic four, Fritz Kalkbrenner and Montez who gave the Festival-Team with Kult-Kicker Lukas Podolski the Takt-vorgeben. The Fanta 4 from Stuttgart, who has a Heimspiel on the Hockenheimring schon quickly, is an absolute icon of German hip-hop and is considered a pioneer of German music in reach speakers. Not the first Auftritt der Vier on the Motodrom.

Die Jungs um Smudo and Thomas D. ended up in the Euphoria Stage of Mikro mit Montez (“Auf & Ab”) in die Hand. No? Schon bei seinem Hit “Auf & Ab” textsicher? Ist ja noch bisschen Zeit zum Üben.

And Fritz Kalkbrenner? The Meister of electronic Beats it of striking Stimme? Hellooo? “Back Home” or “Sky and Sand” with a bigger Bruder Paul – nach Fragen? Jedenfalls with Fritz on the Cloud 9 Stage abliefern. It is a festival-experienced Dutch DJ duo W&W with lots of Happybeats.

Glücksgefühle Festival 2024 at the Hockenheimring – gibt’s Tickets here

At the high prices cost Tickets: Das Tagesticket for Freitag (September 13) and Samstag (September 14) costs jewels 89 euros – the Wochenend ticket costs 159 euros. The price of the ticket for the Festival Premiere 2023 is 10 Euro.

Who would like to feel like a VIP and the necessary change: The VIP ticket for Friday costs 149 euros – for Saturday it is not sold!

The Supreme Ticket costs 499 Euro per tag (for Freitag and Samstag together 899 Euro) – damn man than aber auch Festival-Macher and Radio Moderator Lukas Podolski in the VIP Lounge.

That’s Camping at the Glücksgefühle Festival

If the Mood on and round a den Hockenheim (Rhein-Neckar-Kreis) aufsaugen, it will be so that it is 30,000 Campern-gesellen. You can buy a camping ticket for 65, 75 or 85 euros (incl. 5 euros surcharge) – you can register for Festival-Gelände. If you want to make a Wohnmobil travel trip, that Camping-Ticket costs 65 or 75 Euro (incl. 5 Euro Müllpfand).

Beim Supreme Camping and music fans now have an opinion about the promotion: the price costs 299 and 899 euros. Man is not going to be there yet… More than 70,000 fans attended the Premiere of the Glücksgefühle Festivals 2023. (pek/dpa/yk)