
After a bad start with VfL Bochum – Peter Zeidler asks for more time! | Sports

After a bad start with VfL Bochum – Peter Zeidler asks for more time! | Sports

True Bochum niece Bochum, son Schalke, was “anne Castroper” very fond of the Baum brenner…

But Bochum IS Bochum.

Four pleas from four parties to take care of the emergency response, but there is no need to panic.

Actually, it is so that the Umfeld meadows are bigger than Revier-Nachbarn. Others, we will be at VfL, we have a different experience, it can end the end. Nevertheless, New Trainer Peter Zeidler (62) has put on the map, that his wish is heard…

After starting with Bochum. Zeidler bittet um mehr Zeit!

In Freiburg (1:2), the head coach dares to deliver one of the best performances in the first Pflichtspiel-Treffer, but not the first one – Start-Krise perfect. Black concrete Zeidler, Fortschritte cannot be, but the Netherlands all deserve war. Now the two ebenfalls punktlosen Aufsteiger St. Pauli and Kiel stehen roads der Tordifferenz nor hinter VfL.

I asked myself Zeidler in “ZDF Sportstudio” the critical Fragen by Moderator Sven Voss (48). Der Coach zur miesen Lage: “Wir sind auf dem richtigen Weg. Viellelicht is a few days, maybe a few weeks. It will be clean and we can drink freely.”

It was meant: After the Summer Umbrella and many other transfers that were completed first, everything would first be brought together.

Swimming pool AdamuFreiburg Comeback Shocks Bochum

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Source: BILD

Was it said that Zeidler was concerned about the current time? Since Wiederaufstieg 2021, Bochum celebrates the Saison Start four times. Let the VfL stand stand on an Abstiegsplatz while experts from the Pott-Klub write quickly. If you know there is an end to the class content.

In fact, a seasonal change can never last indefinitely. Gegen Aufsteiger Holstein Kiel MUSS at kommenden Samstag (3.30 PM/Sky) in the Ruhrstadion urgently the first Dreier gelingen…