
Paul-Preuss-Preis received from the Swiss Dani Arnold – South Tyrol News

Paul-Preuss-Preis received from the Swiss Dani Arnold – South Tyrol News

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Sexten – Der Schweizer Extrembergsteiger Dani Arnold is the zwölfte Träger des Paul-Preuss-Preises zur Erinnerung and the great Freikletterer Paul Preuss from the Altaussee in the steep Salzkammergut. Damit reiht is one of the greatest mountain artists with Reinhold Messner, Alexander and Thomas Huber as Catherine Destivelle. Preisträger des Jahres 2023 war der Slowene Marko Prezelj.

The jury of the international Paul-Preuss-Gesellschaft (IPPG) has pronounced itself for the Swiss, while the alpine achievements of the 40-years in the sin of the philosophy of Dr. Paul Preuss (1886-1913) are würdigt. The great Austrian climbing war that the dams can help with the exercise of their free letters, the power of trade, the man who now only has climbing in the world, is the man who is felt by a Hilfsmittel. “Das Können ist des Dürfens Maß” war blessing Maxime, for that Dani Arnold with his alpine achievements-steht.

Dani Arnold, who grew up in the mountain of Biel, oberhalb of Burgen in the Schächental, began with about 20 years with the free solo requirements and macht danach for everything during his speed letter a breite Öffentlichkeit on his brand name. So stop with the Speed-Rekorde Free Solo on the great North Face of the Alps: Eiger, Matterhorn, Grandes Jorasses, Petit Dru, Pizzo Badile and Große Zinne; so during the 2011 beispielsweise the Eiger-Nordwand in 2:28 Stunden.

Dani Arnold’s further alpine heights include the first winter ascent of the Torre Egger in Patagonia with Thomas Senf and Stephan Siegrist, the first ascent of the central Headwall and the East Face of the Moose Tooth in Alaska “Bird of Pray”, the free solo ascent of Carlesso (VIII-) on the south face of the Torre Trieste in 68 minutes, on the Eisroute Betablocker Super (WI 7), the first ascent of the Swiss Nase (VIII/A4) on the Nordwand of the Matterhorn and the first re-climbing of the Anubis, on a mixed route in Scotland, Bird of Pray together with David Lama (︎ 2019), see the Broad Peak.

Dani Arnold’s prize at Samstag, on September 28, 2024, helm at Sexten verliehen, and zwar in Panoramasaal, the major new project by Reinhold Messner, the «Messner Mountain Museum Roca” in the Dolomite region 3 Zinnen, the time of the mountain station of alten Seilbahn in Sexten am Helm entsteht. Reinhold Messner received the Tage for his cattle Geburtstag. The Rahmen der Preisverleihung is a Vortrag über “Traditionellen Alpinismus” stop. “Bei den Begehungen von Dani Arnold steht nicht das ‘was’, sondern das ‘wie’ in Vordergrund”, says Alexander Huber, Danis Freund und Seilpartner großer Unternehmungen; of the Paul-Preuss-Preisräger 2017 the praise will stop.