
UBS in Focus: Swissmem Chief Arranges Credit Conditions for Firms | 15.09.24

UBS in Focus: Swissmem Chief Arranges Credit Conditions for Firms | 15.09.24

In the discussion you will find the conditions of UBS for your business administration that the Swiss industrial association has developed in the media criticism and the big bank.

In one of the agreements between the companies, there are 23 companies that have changed the quality of service or the quality of service of Credit Suisse, writes “NZZ am Sonntag”.

“Wir since enttäuscht von der UBS”, said Swiss chairman Martin Hirzel in the article. The Swiss Grossbank has more and more knowledge, the activity of the technology industry and a more reliable partner of wollen. “The hohe Zahl der afflicted Firmen zeichnet nun ein alles Bild.”

There is a first Swiss file that lasts a year before one of the following versions is affected, more than doubled. “We are concerned that this trend will continue, then among the two companies the new credit transactions will first take place one more time,” said Hirzel.

In the execution of half of the affected firms, UBS has the Verschlechterung bij Neuverhandling nach Auslaufen a Vertrags durchgesetzt. Being aware of a mortgage and betting loan will go even further. Also be sure that you have export financing, a business transaction and that your capital market transactions report firm poor conditions.

Review criticism

Several UBS investors have in the past months, including criticism of a tightening of conditions for all in the corporate accounting business. You can best count on the level of Credit Suisse’s creditworthiness. UBS Switzerland boss Sabine Keller-Busse has an idea to live at an investment conference, the fact that the company has taken a mortgage interest deduction here.

The newspaper has now also become active the price watcher Stefan Meierhans. There has been a two-part number of UBS customers, which is an increase in margin with credit-critical reviews. “There are from the UBS a first fragmentation arcs, one of the best, one of the advantages of a pre-missbräuchliches-dispatch that can not be postponed”, Meierhans said to the newspaper.



Bildquelle: Yu Lan /, Pincasso /,360b /