
Deutschland: Controls and Borders begin

Deutschland: Controls and Borders begin

Von Montag contributed to a Deutschlands Grenzen zusätzliche Kontrollen. In Baden-Württemberg the experience of experts was not so great.

Baden-Württemberg’s Interior Minister Thomas Strobl (CDU) is in charge of cross-border cooperation with the border. A better protection of the internal borders is a step in the right direction, so the CDU politician. “A cross-border role in Switzerland and France could be a challenge with the mass and the middle of the time”, the experience is one. Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser (SPD) is in charge of the land borders and the land borders affect the control roles. That concerns France, Denmark, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg. At the borders in Austria, Poland, the Czech Republic and Switzerland only the Kontrollen are available. If you are in Schengen-Raum, the 29 states with 420 million people are ready, but it is not normal.

Border controls from Montag: Innenministerin Faeser verspricht “smarte” Grenzkontstromen ohne long Staus

One of the Borders with Elsass würden with the new Schritt de facto no major Veränderungen erwartet, this is one of Security experts. When German French became Borderless, the long term was checked – The war against Fußball-EM continued and the Olympic Games in Paris followed. Everything in this world revolves around the EM-hätten Beamte an de Grenzen des Landes zur Schweiz en zu France more like 1,500 People zurückgewiesen, so Strobl. With more than 1,500 separate Einreisen registrations, 26 multiple Schleusers were registered.

The Bundespolizei were involved in the control roles under the Federal Police, but the Bundespolizeirektion Stuttgart is not yet involved. There can be no problem with tactical grounds. The Grenzkontlokken were demnach – wie schon zuvor – “low capacity, time and flexibility and a time-oriented Schwerpunkten orientation”. The elaboration of the pendulum can be so small that its content can be increased. Reisde sollten Ausweis papere griffbereit dabeihaben, lautete ein Ratschlag. The Federal Minister of the Federal Republic of Germany is responsible for the start of the Grenzkontrollen keine größeren Einschränkungen für Pendler und Reisende erwartet. It was born “keine lungen Staus, sonondern smarte Kontrollen”, the SPD politician of the “Bild am Sonntag”.

Appell from the Grenzregion: Grenzüberschreitende Lebensentwürfe since Alltag

But the Kontrolls can do their job on the market – that’s how powerful they are at Freitag Autos on the Kehler Europabrücke. Auch in Zügen and auf Bahnhöfen are checked. The Oberbürgermeister of the Badischen Grenzstadt, Wolfram Britz and the Straßburger Amtskollegin Jeanne Barseghian weisen in een gemeinsamen Erklärung darauf hin, dass in ihren Städten grenzüberschreitende Lebensentwürfe Alltag seien. The Rhein sei vom Grenzfluss zum integralen Become a component of the common Lebensraumes. If you cross the Federal and Landesregierung, the “Controls on a large scale, the mobility, the grenzübergreifende Zusammenleben and Miteinander unserer Einwohnerinnen and Einwohner nicht behind or einschränkt”.

First at Donnerstag entdeckten Beamte der Bundespolizei im Kehler Bahnhof 15 Menschen from Syrian, die keine Ausweise dabeihatten. The people who are in charge of Straßburg are unaffected by the consequences of their actions. In Baden-Württemberg, 2,000 asylum seekers were registered in August. The war started with the country justice ministries in the Vergleich zum Vorjahresmonat ein Rückgang von knapp 1,900 Menschen.